
Overheard: The most cringeworthy statements from MSFW


As the hangovers subside (and all those borrowed outfits are returned to PRs just a little worse for wear), bloggers and fashionistas are looking back on MSFW in a post-champers haze.

They may be frantically searching Google images for a street style pic of themselves to regram, but they should probably be more worried about their secretive mutters and murmurs overheard by us in the #frow.

And like an elephant with excellent hearing, over here at FJ we never forget…

Here are the most cringeworthy statements we overheard at MSFW. 

Girl 1: Is [name] here tonight?
Girl 2: No, she said she was ‘too tired’ to come out tonight.
Girl 1: So that means she wasn’t invited?
Girl 2: 100% it absolutely means that.

Girl 1: I can’t get any good pics from this seat.
Girl 2: Same. I wish I was dead.

Girl 1: Is that the model you were snap chatting with?
Girl 2: Yes.
Girl 1: I would def fuck him. Def.

Girl 1: There’s not enough fatties at fashion shows.
Girl 2: Totally. Hashtag diversity.

Girl 1: What are the chances that white body-painted angel is straight?
Girl 2: Slim to none. No, none.

Girl 1: Fashion week is like the Hunger Games.
Girl 2: Literally. I’m starving.
Girl 3: I’m the girl on fire… from those death stares

Girl 1 (at the resort runway): Wait, is there a runway happening, all I can see is abs
Girl 2 (takes photo of male model): Zoom in on that. And then cry yourself to sleep. And then go eat a pizza.
Girl 1: That’s a good night.

Photographer: Can I photograph your outfit? Although you wore those pants to VAMFF…
Girl: Yes, I often wear things more than once!


Image courtesy @alphabetponymag

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