
KTZ apologises for copied shaman garment

Assimilation or appropriation?

It seems the principals of originality and integrity are somewhat losing steam in the fashion industry, with brands constantly under scrutiny for producing copies or eerily similar designs. 

Morphing Eastern, indigenous inspirations with Western urban shapes, KTZ is known for its tributes to tradition and culture. But some think the brand may have taken the appreciation a bit too literally, having produced a sweater seeming to blatantly copy a sacred Inuit garment.

And let’s face it, when you compare the two images there’s no denying the striking resemblance.

The London-based fashion label has issued an apology to Awa, the woman whose great-grandfather wore the shaman robe that was replicated on the runway. Another punch is that the garment was being sold at $900 a pop. It has since been pulled from the store. 

KTZ responded in true diplomatic style. “We sincerely apologise to you and anyone who felt offended by our work as it certainly wasn’t our intention,” they said in a statement.

However, Awa wasn’t completely satisfied with this response saying she felt monetary compensation could have been offered. 


[Image via Fucking Young!]

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