
There is a website solely devoted to selling your breakup stuff.

Cry me a river…

Jen and Brad (and Gwen and Brad) went through it, Kim and that weird basketball guy divorced, and Selena and Justin are o-v-a-h. The plethora of resulting songs, reality TV shows and bad movies all point to one conclusion: breaking up sucks.

And what makes every breakup all the more annoying? Having the awkward meet-up to return each other’s stuff. Think Ross and Rachel arguing over that ‘Frankie says relax’ shirt.

Well no longer do you awkwardly have to argue over who gets what, or risk burning yourself in the bonfire you start to turn their stuff to ashes. A group of ladies in the US wanted to help you move on, and make a dollar or two at the same time.

Never Liked It Anyway is a platform similar to eBay, solely devoted to selling the baggage that comes with a breakup. Or the boxes of stuff, more specifically.

The site is already full of engagement rings, wedding dresses, perfumes, high heels and more.

Yes, it may be weird to propose to your lover with a ring you picked up as the result of a broken engagement, but at the same time, bargains baby.


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