Beauty report: Carbon Coco Ultimate Carbon Kit
Requires a hefty post-brush clean up.
Name: Carbon Coco Activated Charcoal Toothpaste Ultimate Carbon Kit
Price: $79
What it does: An activated charcoal toothpaste, tooth Polish and Bamboo toothbrush that “removes external stains from your teeth without the toxic chemical ingredients used in commercial tooth whitening.”
Key ingredients: 100 per cent organic coconut shell activated charcoal with a hint of bentonite powder and lemon myrtle.
Available from:
How it feels/smells/looks
The Charcoal toothpaste is black, with a slight mint scent. Feels like most supermarket toothpaste. The powder is unscented and without taste but quite abrasive when brushing on to your teeth.
Why I like it
You look like an extra from The Grudge while brushing, as your entire mouth goes black. It also gives good short-term whitening results – perf for when you want your teeth whiter for a night out or the weekend.
Areas for improvement
The loose powder charcoal is srsly messy, requiring a hefty post-brush clean up. Also, the toothbrush is kind of brittle and I found the bristles falling out after a few uses. After some uses it also leaves black residue on the teeth and gums, which usually fades when you eat.
Final comments
It actually does what it claims: whitens your teeth. To avoid the mess though I like to brush in the shower.