I tried to perfect my feet for summer, here’s how it went
Letting my trotters have their moment in the sun.
While most people are concerned about their faces and new haircuts at this time of year, my attention turns downward. I’ve developed a complex about my feet. This very personal issue has seen me relish in the trend of socks and sandals: any opportunity I get to pair a chunky sole with the cosy security blanket of a sock, I’ll take it.
Is my preference borne of necessity (a way to hide feet) or purely aesthetically based? Either way, when the temperatures rise, I tend to avoid any footwear that is overly ‘toe-y’ (they’re really quite odd when you think about it) or too exposing of the mid-foot.
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With a barefoot wedding ahead and a goal to leave these insecurities behind, I’ve decided to make this season the one where I embrace my little trotters. To help my feet enjoy their moment in the sun, I recruited That Beauty Podcast co-host Bettina Tyrrell for all the tips and tricks to make my dream a reality.
The concerns
Evidently, the influence of Hollywood and mainstream beauty ideals have fallen all the way to my feet. I imagine all celebrities to have the perfect size-nine foot, perfectly manicured and tanned. They’re not too big, too small, too wide, or too narrow. They delicately and daintily connect to the ankle in optimal supermodel style. While there is little I can do to stretch and mould for beatific gain, a little TLC and pampering might go a long way on this self-love journey.
As Bettina tells me, every sandal season, she receives an influx of foot-related queries. The main concern? What to do about cracked and dry heels, “where the skin appears rough and chalky around the heel instead of soft and smooth”. Luckily for us, it’s an issue that can be remedied relatively easily under her expert guidance.
The at-home remedy
“The good thing is – footcare is so satisfying,” says Bettina. “You can almost immediately see results with a little exfoliation and a good moisturiser.” And satisfying it is! She recommends keeping it simple, otherwise, you’re not going to do it regularly. “If you keep it to two steps – exfoliating and moisturising – you can expect pretty happy feet.”
For exfoliation, pick up a foot file from the local chemist and exfoliate your heels two times a week. “Take your foot file to clean, dry feet and apply a bit of pressure to buff dry and rough skin around the back and sides of your heels, the pads of your feet and anywhere that feels dry. I recommend doing this over a towel or in the shower (water off) to catch the plumes of dead skin.” Then wipe your feet clean with a damp towel.
Then whether you use a body moisturiser, hand cream or a specifically-designed hydrating foot mask, apply it all over your feet. Secure your feet in cotton socks afterwards to lock in the goodness. “This is great to do before bed, or before relaxing on the sofa of an evening.” And, every time you moisturise your legs from here on in, take it that extra bit further and reach around your heels and toes. Maintain those pretty little things.
Because TikTok is the new Google, I also consulted the most-watched clips for summer feet remedies. Vitamin C and glycolic acid wipes are often suggested, but the multi-use miracle product Vaseline poses a solution that is both readily achievable and immediate.“Vaseline is known as an occlusive, which creates a physical barrier on the skin to prevent transepidermal water loss and help lock in hydration,” Bettina says. As she notes, it could be beneficial, but a better approach is to indulge in ’skin slugging’, meaning to “apply an emollient moisturiser first, then lock in the good stuff with a layer of Vaseline.”
As for the disgustingly fascinating trends like Milky Feet, Bettina says “Foot masks are a fun way to give your feet some self-care, but just be aware that exfoliating feet masks take some time to see results – it’s not instant”. Plan ahead to avoid peeling, shedding and shredding when you need to have your tootsies in the limelight.
A pedicure – whether DIY or professionally done – can go a long way. A few days before said barefoot celebration, I made a quick visit with a soak, scrub and some popping peach polish that had me looking at my toes in a new way. Sure, they’re imperfect and far from Megan Fox’s highly-rated feet, but these sturdy things hold me up each day, keep me moving and put up with the harshest footwear conditions. I added an anklet, and just like that, I had shame-free, party-ready extremities.
For more of the best feet-perfecting remedies, head here.