Can traditional Chinese medicine help my acne?
Healing herbs.
Acne has been a constant in my life for over a decade. I’ve tried a lot of things, some to better success than others. There are endless topical treatments, prescription creams and diet choices acne sufferers are privy to. The chances are, we’ve thought of it or we’ve tried it (please don’t ask us if we drink enough water.)
For the first time in a while, I was surprised by an acne treatment on the market. Even more surprisingly, it wasn’t something brand new or overly innovative, it was something steeped in history. As a Chinese-Australian woman, I’ve had a faint connection to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) throughout my life.
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Apart from the time I was in China as a pre-teen and my relatives broke off an arm of aloe vera to smother all over my pimply face, I hadn’t actually considered what TCM could do for acne.
I asked Dr Vivian Tam, a Melbourne-based doctor of Chinese medicine, to weigh in on the link between acne and TCM. Here, she walks us through what herbal medicine is and what ingredients could help relieve acne symptoms.
Can you tell us what exactly Chinese herbal medicine is?
Chinese herbal medicine is a holistic health practice that dates back thousands of years. [It] makes up the largest portion of TCM, [which is a] health system that includes Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, cupping and more. Chinese herbal medicine ingredients can be used individually or can be used as blends in formulas to promote healing.
How can traditional Chinese medicine assist in tackling acne?
Traditional Chinese medicine can assist in tackling acne from a few different angles. TCM works [to tackle] both the acute symptoms, [and] more chronic and underlying patterns. Herbal medicine will often address both of these (not always at the same time though!).
For [example], if you have pustules from [a] build-up of inflammation and toxicity, Chinese herbal medicine can focus on reducing those pustules and clearing the toxicity, as well as addressing why the body is having trouble ridding itself of toxins. The more commonly seen patterns associated with acne according to TCM are: heat and toxicity and inflammation, blood stagnation, qi stagnation (energy) and dampness. Chinese herbal medicine can assist in treating these patterns.
Can you take us through some of the key ingredients that can be used and how they’re beneficial?
Chinese medicine ingredients are often not ‘one-directional’, meaning there aren’t herbs specific to acne or to any health concern. Herbal medicines are chosen more based on their properties and what patterns they can be used for. However, here are some stand-out herbs for acne.
Hong Hua, [its] common name [is] safflower [and its] botanical name [is] Carthamus tinctorius, helps to break up blood stagnation and promote blood circulation. [It] assists in moving deeper and sore nodules and promotes faster healing. It can also help with the pain and swelling associated with acne.
Bai Hua She She Cao’s common name [is] hedyotis [and its] botanical name [is] Hedyotis diffusa. This herb [can help] clear heat and toxicity that leads to inflammation and can reduce the angriness of acne almost overnight. It also promotes blood circulation to assist with healing.
Huang Bai, [also known as] Amur cork tree [and] Phellodendron amurense, is one of the most bitter herbs in Chinese medicine, but it also possesses one of the strongest properties that can reduce heat and toxicity. It also works to eliminate damp heat, which in TCM, exacerbates inflammation and breakouts.
Dang Gui’s common name [is] Chinese angelica root [and its] botanical name [is] Angelica Sinensis. Not all herbs used for acne are about attacking and reducing symptoms like pain, swelling and inflammation. There should also be a huge focus on healing, and this herb is used in TCM to nourish the blood. [It’s] really powerful in promoting tissue regeneration and repair to help with the healing process.
Who can this benefit? Who won’t benefit as much?
These herbs can benefit most people suffering from acne. Chinese herbal medicines need to suit your body [and] the patterns mentioned above apply to the majority of people that suffer from acne. Just like most things, there are some people that will need to take precautions or are contraindicated to use certain ingredients in Chinese herbal medicine due to medical conditions, drug interactions or sensitivities. [People] should always consult their treating healthcare practitioner before starting.
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