The founder of Vyrao, the world’s first energy-infused perfume brand, on the way scents can transform your day
“Vyrao was created because I wanted to channel energy into a product, and we launched with scent because it is such an instant shifter in your mood and emotion.”
Scents are incredibly evocative. A sniff of freshly cut grass, for example, can bring to mind a multitude of memories – perhaps it’s a sun-soaked summer camp when you were a pre-teen, the aftershave your first boyfriend wore, or maybe it’s waking up on a Sunday morning to the godawful whirring of the lawnmower as your dad gives the backyard a once over.
Whatever it might be for you, we know that scents are powerful. And this is a big reason why perfume is such a lucrative sector of the beauty industry – for context, the global perfume market was valued at $41.92 billion AUD in 2020 – and why every second celebrity is launching a ‘signature’ fragrance these days.
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In such an overcrowded market, it’s incredibly difficult to stand out. How do you create something that feels fresh and exciting when we’re bombarded by new fragrances on an almost daily basis? As it turns out, approaching scent creation from an entirely different angle – one that’s removed from the mainstream world of perfume – is an incredibly effective way to bring to life a new fragrance brand.
This is exactly what Yasmin Sewell, a woman who has held some of the most lucrative and influential roles in the fashion industry over the last few decades, decided to do when she launched her new scent brand, Vyrao. Touted as the world’s first well-being brand to “fuse energetic healing with master perfumery”, Vyrao seeks to fuse the healing benefits of wellness with the energising qualities of perfume.
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“It was wellness that I really wanted to move into – it was always something that was a great passion of mine. I’ve trained in different forms of energetic healing including reiki and integrative quantum medicine. Vyrao was created because I wanted to channel energy into a product, and we launched with scent because it is such an instant shifter in your mood and emotion, it can shift and alter your energy in an instant,” Yasmin explains.
So how does one go about creating a perfume with wellness in mind? “The process is different because we led with the healing properties rather than the smells. The intention of the fragrance is what we started with. [Master perfumer] Lyn Harris was briefed in this way, which is a very different process to how people make scent. In fact, it was the first time that she had ever been briefed this way. Every single ingredient in our fragrances was chosen for the healing benefits first,” says Yasmin.
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As a seasoned perfume wearer, I knew Vyrao was offering up something different the minute we opened up the PR package in the FJ office. The bold, Bottega green of the packaging, combined with the intriguing perfume names (like Witchy Woo, for example, a floral musky scent), emitted an audible gasp from the team. I squirrelled all five scents away to trial over the next few weeks.
Within a few days, they became the perfumes I reached for the most, which is saying something, as I have a pretty sizeable collection. They also became the scents I was asked about most often, both by people in the office, friends on nights out and strangers in the street. As Yasmin says, the scents are each energising, but in different ways.
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I Am Verdant, another go-to of mine, is designed for people who “live for the wild greenness and transformational thinking”, and as airy-fairy as that might sound, I kind of get it. If I want a scent that connects me to the natural world and feels like a jolt of fresh, vibrant energy, this is the perfume I opt for. As Yasmin tells me, “Fragrance should lift and shift you”, and this range of scents certainly makes good on this promise.
Vyrao was recently welcomed into the Mecca family of brands, and you can see the perfumes and their gorgeously coloured glass bottles in stores around the country. Next up for the brand is a range of incense and candles, which will also be stocked at Mecca, and eventually, a selection of products in the wellness space, which Yasmin assures me are “really going to surprise people”. If this selection of impeccable and transformative scents is anything to go by, then I’ll be eagerly awaiting Vyrao’s expansion.
Explore Vyrao’s range here.