
9 Aussie models get deep about their lockdown experience


Turns out isolation isn’t all bad.

Isolation has its ups and downs, but one of the things I’m most curious about is how everyone else is spending the endless hours we’re now forced to spend inside our homes. Baking? Knitting? Attempting to get a six-pack? Writing your magnum opus? Playing the Sims 4 for 10 hours straight? The options are endless, really.

This question is particularly pertinent for people who have been unable to work for the majority of the lockdown period. Modelling is one of the lines of work that is pretty much out of action for the time being, and one has to wonder how they’re coping and what they’re doing to stave off the boredom. So, in the hopes of sourcing inspiration for our own long days in lockdown, we asked 9 Aussie models.

Beck Hume

“Michael (my very fat cat) and I are enjoying our extended time at home by doing lots of puzzles and I’ve taken up embroidery too! I’ve also been cooking and baking Anzac biscuits for my family. It’s been really nice to have some time at home and be with those I love. It’s helped me to reset my mind and get ready to jump back into working as soon as we’re all safe and healthy again.”

Hayley Howard

“This pandemic has really highlighted the importance of not only the essential workers and their daily risks, but our society’s need for human interaction. Even as the introvert that I am, I miss being able to work and meet people out and about. I’ve spent a lot of my time doing my best to keep social online. Whether that be through social media, or by playing games online with my friends and family. I’ll never forget this experience and the new level of respect I have for everyone affected during this time.”

Tommy Hume

“This whole situation has been pretty easy for me as I can spend most of my time relaxing, gaming and sleeping. I haven’t felt the isolation much as I’ve been able to catch up with my friends online every day. When the lockdowns are lifted it will be good to get out there and travelling again.”

Kyla Shell

“I’ve been spending my time at home really exploring myself and my hobbies. I’ve taken this opportunity to revise the things I used to love: music, reading, and art. It’s been so nice to pick up old hobbies and really indulge in spending my time doing activities that I’ve always told myself I was too busy for. I’m excited to see how I can incorporate it all into my life when things pick back up again! I’m also pretty lucky that my housemate is a photographer (Georgia Ruehlemann) so when my agent sent me this photo challenge I felt pretty grateful for that.”

Aimee Braun

“I’m a social butterfly and I love to be busy, so I have found this time quite challenging, however, I have made sure that I am in regular contact with my friends through Snapchat and Facetime. These past weeks have allowed me to catch up on all my school work, and start picking up my old hobbies. I’ve always loved art so I have spent a lot of my time painting. I have made sure I’m staying motivated and healthy by going on lots of hikes with my mum, and I have been doing a lot of at-home workouts too. I have really learnt to appreciate the little things in life during this experience.”

Hallie Chlanda

“I’ve been spending my time going on long runs and relaxing. It’s been a good opportunity to take a step back and focus on more simple things. I’ve also now successfully rewatched my favourite shows and movies. Overall I haven’t hated isolation but I can’t wait to be back with friends and family. I’m also craving a good boogie at a festival or concert!”

Atim Okot

“I’ve been spending most of my time slowing down and experiencing everything around me, I’ve got to spend more time with my siblings and having that sibling bond has been great. Throughout these past weeks, I’ve been taking my time to get things done, and since I am a “get things done in a day” sort of person, it’s forced me to take more time which has made the outcomes a lot better. I have always been a chatty extrovert at heart, and after these few weeks I’ve learnt that it’s okay to slow down and take more time with everything.”

Jule Vockins

“The past few weeks have been very relaxing and filled with different and new opportunities. I’ve been able to learn new hobbies that I haven’t tried before like panting. I’ve been able to take a break and just breathe while focusing on more of the good things in my life. You would often find me in my room watching Netflix or walking around the house sometimes annoying my parents too much.”

Ruby Eckert

“During this time I have been keeping productive. I feel that I have been able to adapt to the change quite well, the past weeks have given me an opportunity to be more mindful. I’ve been able to spend much more time with my family and found it to be quite nice. Although I am quite an extrovert, I found that I was able to adapt to this new change well. It’s given me a break from everything and made it easier to focus on what I am doing.”@azaleamodels

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