
Another Spice Girls movie may be on its way to spice up your life

Spice Girls Eiffel Tower

Words by Veronica Stanford

Hold tight.

We’ll be the first to admit, we’re extremely sick of the ‘will they/won’t they’ speculation about a Spice Girls tour. But regardless of all the rumours, it seems pretty certain there is some sort of Spice-related project headed this way. 

And it looks like that project may be a new film.

According to Variety, all five Spice Girls members have signed off on their likenesses being used in a superhero-themed film promoting the group’s girl power message.

The publication reports Victoria, Melanie B, Emma, Melanie C and Geri will voice their own character in the film, with each being given powers unique to their personality.

While it’s not Spice World The Movie mark two, we’re still pretty excited at the possibility of this release.

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