Netflix has invented socks that will pause shows when you fall asleep
Watch yourself to sleep.
Christmas is the time for giving and sometimes re-gifting the gifts you’ve been given. Especially socks.
If you’re a guy, you probably know more than most that socks are the go-to gift (and re-gift) for men. They’re easy, but let’s face it, not always cool.
Until now.
This Christmas season, Netflix knows what you want. It may seem ridiculous but it’s probably the best invention of the year.
Meet DIY project, ‘Netflix Socks.’
This ridiculously cool project allows you to design and create socks with an inbuilt sensor which will detect when you doze off and switch off Netflix. We’re part horrified by the laziness of it, part in awe of its genius, and part wondering why it hasn’t been invented yet.
So the next time you get a pair of socks just remember, now you can watch an episode (aka an entire season) without worrying about losing your place.
Thanks Netflix.