
The Buzzfeed team recreated Sports Illustrated covers, proved we are all hot af


When it comes to Sports Illustrated covers, there tends to be a one-size-fits-all approach to body types.

We grow up idolising the rather specific body shape we see repeated across these covers, distorting our perception of what real beauty looks like.

In a recent step towards diversity, Ashley Graham landed the 2016 cover of the magazine, the curviest model to do so. It’s a reminder that bodies of every shape, size and colour deserve to be celebrated, which is precisely what Buzzfeed has just done.

The Buzzfeed team recreated Sports Illustrated covers with six members of their own staff and the results are hot AF.

The idea of being compared to a Sports Illustrated model may have some of us shaking in our boots, but these ladies kill it.

The recreated covers blast the cookie-cutter approach to beauty standards and highlight a real absence of diversity in media representation.

Huge props to Buzzfeed for proving beauty comes in every shape.


[Images via Buzzfeed]

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