
The Queensland exhibition of fashion photos you’ll actually want to see

Fashion, darling.

While the temperature drops, so too does the motivation to step foot out the front door.

If you’re looking for a good reason to brave the cold, the Queensland Art Gallery has an exhibition that will get you moving.

The gallery has welcomed the arrival of New York-based artist, Cindy Sherman. Well, her photos at least. 

Sherman’s collection of photos explores the celebrity image and our obsession with ourselves. Involving exaggerated makeup, bold costumes and clownish faces (no, really, see ‘Clowns’ 2003-2004), they’re far from the high fashion images we’re used to seeing.  

Not only does Sherman pose as the model in her photos, she’s the costume designer, make-up artist and photographer. Talk about doing it all.

The exhibition also showcases Sherman’s foray from film into digital photography, alongside the manipulation of the images from her 2016 collection. 

If looking at pretty pictures isn’t enough, the gallery is running a cinema program called In Character, taking inspiration from the characters in Sherman’s work. 

Showing cult films like Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Valley of the Dolls, your fashion inspiration is about to go through the roof. 

The exhibition is on until October 3 so get in before it closes.


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