
Meet Lychee Alkira, the label by Wiradjuri designer Renee Henderson embracing colour and connection


“Sacrifices were definitely made throughout the year… but it was all worth it.”

After nearly a year of sleepless nights, Wiradjuri fashion designer Renee Henderson is preparing to release her line of carefully hand-crafted pieces to the public. A recent graduate of the Fashion Design Studio in Sydney, Renee’s label, Lychee Alkira, is more than a university project – it’s a reflection of who she is.

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The label’s first collection, Pathways, which made its runway debut earlier this year at Australian Fashion Week, is a love letter to her Aboriginal roots and features vivid, unique prints and bold colours. Below, Renee shares more about her journey as a designer, the people who inspire her, and her dreams for the future of her label.

Tell us about you. What’s your fashion background?


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My name is Renee, and I’m the owner of Lychee Alkira. I’m a Wiradjuri woman and fashion designer living on the South Coast of New South Wales. I recently graduated with a Bachelor of Fashion Design from Fashion Design Studio (FDS) in Ultimo, Sydney. I love to sew and create unique pieces for myself, and my friends and family. Colour is my thing! I use bright colours in my designs and love incorporating colour into my life.

How did the label get started? Talk us through the process and the challenges.

Lychee Alkira was developed throughout my final year of my degree. As a student at FDS, all third years must create their own brand with an eight-look collection. This needs to be designed, sampled and made in less than a year.


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This process was definitely one of the most challenging experiences I’ve gone through. Having to create a brand with such unique and hand-crafted pieces and complete uni assignments and requirements as well is a lot for one person. It’s about betting on yourself as a young designer and giving it your all, hoping for it to come together at the end of the year. Sacrifices were definitely made throughout the year on sleep and a social life, but it was all worth it.

How would you describe your label to someone who’s never seen it before?

I would describe Lychee Alkira as a bright and happy brand. I use lots of fun and loud colours as well as unique prints that pay respect to my Aboriginal roots to tell a story. I use natural fibres and dyeing techniques, including eco printing and eco dyeing. This recent collection, called Pathways, showcases both bright colours and natural textile techniques.


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I was also fortunate enough to work with the talented Aboriginal artist Merindah Gunya. We started working together at the very beginning of this journey and created such a vivid print that explores our pathways and journey lines to each new destination in life. I am most proud of this print in my collection.

Bayley (Merindah Gunya) has played an important role in the development of Lychee Alkira. Having been in the creative industry a little longer than myself, she definitely has a lot of knowledge and advice to offer, which has helped support my journey.

What are you most proud of in your work on your label?


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I think I’m most proud of and/or more grateful for the connections I have made and the talented people I have met along the way. Creating a brand is hard to achieve on your own, and I have been lucky enough to have met so many other young creatives willing to help each other out and, in turn, build their portfolios too.

I am so happy to have worked with such talented people, and I hope we continue to support each other throughout our journeys in the industry. Whether it be helping with photoshoots or styling, business advice and branding, models, last-minute sewing or adjustments before shows.

What do you wish you knew when you started?

I wish I knew that the fashion industry in Australia is small and networking is super important. Going to events, meeting new people and saying yes to new opportunities and experiences will definitely help you grow as a designer.

Who do you think is most exciting in Australian fashion right now?


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The most exciting people in the Australian fashion scene are definitely the upcoming young designers. I graduated with some of the most talented creatives I know, and it’s so fun to see their new designs or ideas they share with me, some of which I am lucky enough to have in my wardrobe right now.

Dream Australian collaborators?

My dream would be to see Lychee Alkira on Thelma Plum. She’s such a talented artist and an inspiration for young Aboriginal creatives. I’d also love to collaborate with artists Emma Hollingsworth and Ryhia Dank. They are both so, so talented, and I’m in love with their pieces at the moment.

Go-to dinner party playlist?

My music taste is so different every day, but I do love the artist Jungle – perfect for a dinner party. They’re so talented and their ‘Back On 74’ music video is amazing; so much talent in one video. Also loving Gracie Abrams, Billie Eilish, Thelma Plum and can’t forget about Unmikely.

Who is in your wardrobe right now?


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At the moment, I have a lot of op shop pieces. I love being able to find such unique pieces from different parts of Australia and styling them in a way to bring a new life. I also have a lot of pieces made by my friends and small Australian designers, which makes them so much more special. Designers such as Tasman Banks, Eeyo and Sera_ph. I also can’t forget my most favourite jewellery brand, which I wear every day, Millie Savage. Her pieces are so special and literally go with every outfit, including Lychee Alkira.

How can we buy one of your pieces?

At the moment, I am working on the manufacturing and business side of Lychee Alkira. However, I am doing customs on request. Follow Lychee Alkira on Instagram or subscribe to our website to receive updates when everything goes live!

To learn more about Lychee Alkira, head here

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