
WIN: A six-month Bodypass membership

To help you get out of that chocolate coma.

If you’re still coming out of a chocolate coma from the long weekend, we’ve got the perfect post-Easter treat for you. The key to success and a healthy lifestyle is balance. So now you can get over your Easter guilt by working it off with a six-month Bodypass membership, plus a bonus gift bag.

If you’ve never really been a ‘hit the gym’ type of person or you just want to spice up your workouts, Bodypass may just be the right move. Bodypass believes working out should be fun and shouldn’t cost the earth.

A Bodypass membership gives you access to unlimited fitness classes and outdoor activities from a range of studios and fitness providers. Yep, your six-month membership will allow for swimming, yoga, pilates, barre, HIIT outdoor group fitness sessions, boxing and martial arts. It’s valued at $99 a month but we’re giving you one for free. Yew. 

Fill out your details below to enter.


By entering the competition you opt-in to receive collateral from Fashion Journal and competition partners. View full terms and conditions here. Valid for Bodypass studios in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney. Competition will close on Wednesday April 6.


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