
According to science, cat owners drink more champers than dog owners

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Words by Nicole La Ruffa

Double the bubbles.

If you’re an animal owner who likes to indulge in a glass of bubbly (or two) (or five), you might want to read on.

It turns out your pet preferences might correlate to your drink of choice.

A recent study conducted by Aus company Cellarmasters which surveyed 1700 pet owners found that cat owners drink double the amount of sparkling wine than dog owners. Apparently, living with a pooch means you’re more inclined to opt for a glass of pinot, or Shiraz.

While some cat-centric studies are even more brutal, this one does seem to perpetuate the lonely cat lady stereotype. 

To understand this a little better, Cellarmasters enlisted the wisdom of Vineyard Vet Dr Robert Zammit.

“Cats are the aristocrats of the world, and regal cat owners especially are quite sophisticated, so I’m not surprised cat owners enjoy bubbles,” said Dr Zammit.

“Dog owners like to spend time outside with their furry friends, and there’s nothing better than coming home to a glass of warming red wine, so it makes complete sense.”

Whether or not this rings true, go ahead and purr yourself another glass.


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