What 10 Australian creatives have planned for their hot vax summer
WORDS BY Ruby Staley
“No lockdowns, more beers, less stress, great sex and warm evenings!”
Picture it. Laying on the beach in the warm sun, still salty from a dip. Brushing up against strangers and having a giggle in the front row of the festival main stage, feeling the sounds of the speakers vibrate through your chest. Clinking glasses with friends on a rooftop bar, belly laughing and professing your love for one another.
Still faintly familiar, these are some of the moments I’m not only missing, but looking forward to once we’re out the other end of this current situation. Here’s hoping it will be at some point later this year.
Want to know more about the vaccine? You can read about one Fashion Journal writer’s experience getting AstraZeneca here.
If Australians stay committed to getting their jabs (no credit at all to our pitiful government rollout and the anti-vax community) and we see the numbers climb to that 80 per cent mark, some of these starry-eyed reveries may become a reality once again.
While I’m excited to experience our future freedom with a drink in hand surrounded by friends, I’m aware it’s a little different for everyone. To try and elicit a smidgen of hope in these seemingly hopeless times, I turned to some of my favourite Aussie creatives to find out some of the things they’re looking forward to this ‘shot’ girl summer. Here’s to getting vaxxed so we can get back out there and do what we love.
Millie Sykes, content creator and stylist

Wearing Dior sourced from Cara Mia Vintage
Are you vaxxed? Why/why not?
I just received my first shot! Typing out this response with a dead arm. Getting vaxxed was a no-brainer for me once I’d done a bit more research on how the vaccine works, how it was able to be produced so quickly and weighing up the risk vs reward.
What are you most looking forward to this hot vax summer?
Locking eyes with someone across the dance floor, grooving over to them and opening up my service NSW app to show my proof of vaccination record before we make out. Haha! In all seriousness, dancing on rooftops, nude beaches and sitting in a beer garden with a bloody mary talking absolute dribble to my friends.
After the year we’ve had, what do you think will be different about this summer?
We will hopefully be coming out of an incredibly isolating and surreal chapter of our lives and I look forward to it as a time for healing and reconnecting. I doubt life will be back to ‘normal’, still slow and strange. But I know many like myself will revel in the little things. Personally, I’ll be celebrating community and connectedness to nature.
Phoebe Kelly, stylist and fittings model
Are you vaxxed? Why/why not?
I have had my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and plan to get the second in a couple of weeks. For me, it was a no-brainer to get the jab as I have a very sick mum. Another contributing factor for me was my line of work. I find myself at a myriad of different fashion offices and come into contact with new people every day for both fittings and styling.
What are you most looking forward to this hot vax summer?
I am looking forward to warm nights by the beach surrounded by all my friends. To have the freedom to stay out as long as we please and enjoy each other’s company over several strawberry daiquiris. Not to mention I am excited to wear the summer pieces I’ve been shopping online outside the four walls of my apartment.
After the year we’ve had, what do you think will be different about this summer?
We will prioritise time for regular self-care and to check in with ourselves. We will value and cherish the simpler things in life we sometimes overlook. Whether that be seeing family, a morning yoga class, a road trip to Mornington, catching a movie at the cinemas, grabbing dinner from one of Broadsheet’s top 10 pizzeria’s or heading into work. Lastly, I believe we’ll show our presence in each moment. Focusing on the positives of that day and all it has to offer.
Allira Potter, content creator, writer and speaker

Photography by Michael Peters
Are you vaxxed? Why/why not?
I’m not vaxxed yet but will be. The reality for me is I have a compromised immune system so if I was to get COVID it would impact me immensely. I know it’s really scary as there are so many opinions and at the end of the day, I am in a position where I want to protect my immunity and protect my community.
What are you most looking forward to this hot vax summer?
Fingers crossed lots of ocean swims with my dog Cosmo, seeing family and lots of rest which is something I reckon most humans would want this hot vaxxed summer.
After the year we’ve had, what do you think will be different about this summer?
Hopefully, no lockdowns, as I am down in regional Victoria and we are sitting in our seventh lockdown! Hopefully, the difference will be no lockdowns, more beers, less stress, great sex and warm evenings!
Carmen Azzopardi, diabetes and disability advocate and content creator
Are you vaxed? Why/why not?
I am! I’ve been fully vaxxed since May of this year. I have a chronic illness which means I’m at risk, so I made it a priority to get vaxxed as soon as it was possible for me to do so. I had my first AZ jab in March this year and my second in May. I had little to no reservations about getting the vaccine and feel extremely privileged to be in the position I’m in.
What are you most looking forward to this hot vax summer?
Embracing my friends and loved ones! Getting sweaty on a dark dancefloor! Grabbing a beer at the pub and hopefully travelling interstate to see my very best friend who moved away a week before lockdown. This is the longest we’ve ever been apart. The thought of ordering a beer at a gig and then joining my friends for a sweaty dance is almost too much, also live music!
After the year we’ve had, what do you think will be different about this summer?
Provided we’re out of the depths of it, I think people will either be more reserved socially or completely void of inhibitions. For me personally, I think it will be the former. I’m already a socially anxious person so coming out of such a severe lockdown might prove a bit difficult and daunting at first. But I think the main difference will be a universal sense of deepened appreciation for our freedoms and privileges.
Euca, musician and TikToker

Photography by Margot Stewart
Are you vaxxed? Why/why not?
Sure am! I am choosing to get the jab because I want to optimise my opportunities to travel, work and socialise. Herd immunity is our ticket out of this and into what I’m hoping is my most booked and busy year yet!
What are you most looking forward to this hot vax summer?
Beers on the beach without the cops shooing us home!
After the year we’ve had, what do you think will be different about this summer?
It’s funny because we’ll just hopefully be going back to normal! I am going to work hard and enjoy and cherish every opportunity that comes my way that wouldn’t have been possible before. I can’t wait to be able to plan ahead and build momentum without the concern of circumstances changing again and again.
Keely B, content creator and disability advocate
Are you vaxxed? Why/why not?
I am! Luckily I was fully vaxxed by June, just before we started to have lockdowns and outbreaks here in Melbourne. I feel really lucky I was sent a link way back in May, and was able to book in for the next day because I’m in the 1B category! Just waiting for Australia to bring in the third jab for those immunocompromised now like they have in other countries, and for everyone else to get jabbed so I’m so protected! While I’m here, please also get your flu shots yearly! That will also protect those at risk too!
What are you most looking forward to this hot vax summer?
I’m still a little scared because I’m at immunocompromised. I won’t lie, everything I get excited for I get a wave of worry, but all I can hope is that by then our vax numbers will be really, really high and I can feel safe. But I want to get out of the city! I would love to be able to go to my dad’s place by the beach and get to visit all the South Gippsland towns in Victoria I’ve been missing and wanting to visit this year.
I’d love to go to the beach every day. Like everyone, I just want to see my family and friends. Also, parties! Last year during lockdown I decided I wanted to make a spare lounge room into a bar, and it’s just been unused (except for Insta pics) since summer. I was hoping to have my birthday party in August, so it’s now a Leo summer!
After the year we’ve had, what do you think will be different about this summer?
Seeing other countries open up, and seeing how left behind at risk and disabled people have been, I’d hope [there will be more] understanding for the at-risk community and why we still have anxiety about things opening up and don’t feel completely safe, because we aren’t until the majority of the population is vaxxed. But I feel a lot safer going into this summer knowing people will be vaxxed, than I did last summer, so that’ll be amazing. As it’s starting to warm up, and hoping that 2021 would be different to what has been, it’s making me really excited to just switch off from the past two years.
Christina Karras, writer and content creator
Are you vaxxed? Why/why not?
Not yet, but I’ve got my vaccine booked in for next week and I’m so excited. Getting the vaccine is a no-brainer, and I really can’t think of a reason why you wouldn’t. The pandemic and its rolling lockdowns have been incredibly depressing and it’s easy to feel apathetic. But getting vaccinated is ultimately the one thing we can do to help protect our community and get us one step closer to being ‘back to normal’ – whatever that may look like.
What are you most looking forward to this hot vax summer?
Having human interaction in real life again! I’m someone who really thrives off socialising to keep my cup full, and keeping in touch with family and friends online has been much harder this time around. I’ve been longing for simple things like long conversations over dinner at my favourite restaurants, dancefloors being open again – hugging people! And if we’re lucky, maybe rescheduling my holiday to Port Douglas that was canned thanks to the lockdown.
After the year we’ve had, what do you think will be different about this summer?
I think and hope everyone just radiates ‘I’m so happy to be here’ energy in 2021’s summer. It’s been a really tough, abnormal and stressful two years now, and everyone deserves to be with the people they love, and do all the things we’ve been dreaming about.
Deni Todorović, non-binary content creator and stylist

Photography by Monika Berry
Are you vaxxed? Why/why not?
Yes, I am vaccinated because to be completely honest with you, it’s our only solution for getting out of this current state of this virus. As a fit and able and healthy human, it’s my duty to keep my community safe, particularly those who are more risk-averse to this virus. It’s community support, it’s community health and doing our bit for each other – in order for us to move forward, we all need to be vaxxed. However, at the same time, I understand some people’s hesitancies towards vaccinations.
What are you most looking forward to this hot vax summer?
Hopefully, this summer will bring much of the things we’ve missed this year; human connection, seeing our families, being able to do a road trip, go to the beach, go interstate potentially, visit my family in Sydney – just live a somewhat normal life that is my hope. Also, I just want to be able to gay bar this summer and dance with my people.
After the year we’ve had, what do you think will be different about this summer?
What will be really different will be the real distinction between those who are vaxxed and those who aren’t. As the government start to re-integrate us into society again, going off what I’ve seen in Europe and America, those who are vaxxed will have far more room to move than those who are not. It will be less about lockdowns, well I hope, and more about what you will be able to do based on your vaccination status.
Jasmine Wallis, writer, podcaster and content creator
Are you vaxxed? Why/why not?
I am! I’ve had one shot and my next is scheduled for this Wednesday. I honestly get emotional when I think about it because it’s one of the only things in our control right now – and one of the only things I have booked that I know won’t get cancelled on me! Vaccinations are one of our lines of defence to get back to our lives and also protect the vulnerable communities who can’t get vaccinated for whatever reason, be that age or illness. It’s a no-brainer for me and we should believe in science.
What are you most looking forward to this hot vax summer?
The simple things in life that were so normal a couple of years ago. Spontaneously catching up with friends without having to check what the rules are, supporting the local arts and hospitality industries by going to shows and dinners, and just getting outside! As Lizzo said, “Just wait until the summer when they let me out the house, bitch”. Catch me down at Port Melbourne beach every day.
After the year we’ve had, what do you think will be different about this summer?
I hope that there will be a lot of joy. We’ve had so much unpredictability but watching Americans and Europeans enjoy their vaxxed summers from afar has been a sign that we will get some sense of normality and well… life back into our lives. I think a lot of us will just be grabbing life by the horns and soaking it all in.
Milo Hartill, model, performer and queer advocate
Are you vaxxed? Why/why not?
I am vaxxed with Pfizer baby woooo! I was a little scared as my family has health issues such as blood clots, but I wanted to be vaccinated, so I am able to travel sooner with performing and modelling work. Also the more of us [that get] vaxxed, the sooner we are able to do big fun community things, and the safer I would feel with my own health!
What are you most looking forward to this hot vax summer?
Festivals and hopefully fashion weeks will be back for good in 2022! And performing work plus seeing my family without quarantining eventually!
After the year we’ve had, what do you think will be different about this summer?
To be honest, who knows! I thought 2021 would feel totally different, but here we are in lockdown six, so I’m hoping I will be neutral good!
To learn more about Australia’s vaccination program, head here.