Christopher Esber is donating 100 per cent of its profits for the next two weeks to support victims of the Beirut explosion
Image via Christopher Esber
Words by Rosanna Watts
“My heart goes out to all those affected.”
When trying to describe 2020, the word relentless might come to mind. It’s really been blow after blow this year. Just a little over a week ago, on Tuesday, August 4, an explosion tore apart the port of Beirut city in Lebanon. In response to the devastation, Australian-Lebanese designer Christopher Esber has pledged to donate 100 per cent of his eponymous brand’s profits for the next two weeks.
In an Instagram post, Christopher, a child of Lebanese immigrants, expressed his sadness. “My heart goes out to all those affected in Beirut following the devastating explosion,” he wrote. He also explained how his identity is firmly rooted in his Lebanese heritage and culture, “threads” of which can be found in all his work.
The designer is imploring his followers to donate what they can to the organisations he’s pledged to support. These organisations are as follows: Lebanese Red Cross, Impact Lebanon, Lebanese Food Bank and Beit el Baraka.
The Beirut explosion was caused by 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, a chemical compound that’s usually used as an agricultural fertiliser. The chemical had been stored for six years at a port warehouse, with very little safety regulations.
The videos and photos shared on social media of the humanitarian crisis have touched the hearts of people across the globe. But here in Australia, the large population of Lebanese diaspora – Lebanese people who live outside of Lebanon – are particularly devastated.
An article in The Age explains that nearly everyone in Melbourne’s Lebanese community knows someone who was either injured, displaced or killed by the blast. Like Christopher Esber, the Australian-Lebanese community is doing all they can to help those in Beirut. Members of the United Australian Lebanese Movement, a public affairs organisation, are fundraising for on the ground supplies and helping to find homes for the displaced.
You can head to Christopher Esber’s Instagram to find out more about the organisations he’s supporting, and you can donate here to support the efforts of the local Australian-Lebanese community.