I asked a witch how to cast a love spell, for my chronically single girlies
words by daisy henry
“I never do the same spell twice.”
My only experience with love spells was through the cult classic 1996 film, The Craft. In the movie, four high school witches each cast a spell: one for beauty, one to get revenge on a bully, one for power and one for love. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the love spell doesn’t end well.
Sarah casts the spell on Chris after he spreads rumours about her, but it soon leads to an unhealthy, desperate obsession. Though it was fiction, it still stood as a warning: be careful when dealing with mag(ick).
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Beyond the movie, I’m a fairly superstitious person. From black cats to tarot card readings, there’s always something in my mind thinking, ‘what if?’. It’s probably how I’ve grown up – my family are superstitious and I’d often see my grandma literally knock on wood or hear my mum’s voice in my head telling me not to open an umbrella inside.
This has only been strengthened by my boyfriend’s family and his Italian background. Around the dinner table, we often hear old tales about ‘stregas’ (witches) that his dad was told when he was little.
A few months ago, when the book Dark Arts and Crafts landed on the Fashion Journal desk, one of the team joked about learning how to cast a love spell. Naturally, my editor’s senses peaked. She said that the Melbourne dating scene was grim and she laughed that she was destined to be single forever. So I asked her, “Why not?”.
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Considering we knew very little about witchcraft and didn’t want to accidentally put some kind of hex on ourselves, we decided to consult an expert from the book before trying anything out. According to witch and co-author of Dark Arts and Crafts, Tehani Perham, there’s more to crafting a love spell than you might think.
How did you discover that you were a witch?
I grew up with many superstitions and the belief that magick* was [both] something to be feared and something that could bring good things into your life. Living in a mixed culture, my beliefs were varied and part of everyday life. It was only when I started to look into the forces of energy through healing, divination and empowering one’s life that I fine-tuned my interest in witchcraft. I created many types of spells and love spells were one of them.
You learn best when you have done spells on yourself first, so I dabbled in the world of glamour magick and creating potions and spells to enhance attraction. There are many failures and triumphs when you are dealing with the energy of the heart but if it’s meant to be, it will be. Sometimes things just need a little encouragement with a spell.
How do love spells actually work?
A love potion is filled with ingredients that are connected to the specific kind of love that you are trying to attract into your life. They are administered in the form of a brew or as part of a ritual. You must have a good understanding of the energy of the potion or spell and a belief that it will work out how the universe wants it to work out, with your help. Then, you just let it go. [You] go about your days and wait for something to present itself to you as an opportunity. Then, you participate.
Are there any specific rituals that should be followed?
There are no specific tried-and-true rituals. Each is unique to the situation and those involved. I never do the same spell twice. The only guidelines I tend to work with would be the power of the moon and seasons, colours for the purpose and herbs and resins for love. Then it’s a matter of how best to perform it, using your own moral compass. Witchcraft is a creative practice and listening to your intuition and connecting to the earth’s energy is essential when navigating the process and outcome of spells.
How long does it usually take for a love spell to work?
No one can really know exactly when a love potion or spell will come to fruition. I’ve had spells work almost immediately and other times it might take a week or a few months. This is called universal time and there are many energies at play for a spell to work or to fail. If there is an urgency to get a result, we can only try to put a hurry on it, but I find it is best for things to evolve as they should and you can enjoy the moment.
What ingredients are typically used in love potions?
There are many herbs of significance such as rose, jasmine, passion flower, chocolate, ylang-ylang, red rice and love talismans that are involved. The list is endless and a touch of creativity goes a long way when you are setting the energy for a spell of attraction.
When directing love magick, it’s best to make sure the one you are targeting is a realistic target. For example, are they available? If their energy is aligned to another… well, good luck as it’s extremely difficult and it won’t be happy ever after nor will it be an equal union.
Can love spells enhance existing relationships, or are they intended to attract new ones?
Love spells and potions can definitely enhance an existing relationship and it works even better if the other person is in agreement. Small gestures of love, energy and attraction are nice ways to keep things exciting and fun in a relationship. Open lines of communication with spells to work things out and grow closer to each other are useful.
Love spells and potions are popular to attract a relationship, but only if you really want it and both parties are looking for a relationship. The energy of the person must be open to it.
Can love spells be used to boost self-love?
Love spells of a romantic nature can boost self-love and confidence, especially when they make you feel empowered or if you’re getting a result (even if that result is subtle). Use glamour magick to give yourself a bit of a glow-up and change how people perceive and notice you.
Can you share any common misconceptions about love spells?
Some common misconceptions are bending someone’s will and trapping them into a state where they only obsess over you and can’t do anything else but think of you. Some people think that’s a good thing, but it’s really not. You would want them to come to you willingly and still grow and function as a person. No one should think that having total control over someone is a good thing. A love spell is for attracting love and that’s a two-way street.
How can you integrate love into your daily routine?
Glamour Magick is the best place to start. Do the magick on yourself and incorporate it into your daily self-care practices. Even the act of applying some perfume can be pre-enchanted for a specific purpose. You can carve symbols into your makeup, like pressed foundation, that are aimed to enhance your beauty.
Light a pink candle for love and self-love or a red candle for lust and passion on a Friday. Buy or pick some flowers such as rose or jasmine and decorate your home or space. Eat chocolate that has been enchanted for love by yourself or with a loved one. These are just a few suggestions that one can add to their life to set intentions.
* Tehani notes that magick with a ‘k’ is specific to this kind of magic.
For more on the ethics of casting love spells, try this.