
Edible drinking straws are here to save the planet

Lolistraw edible straws

Image via Loliware


In a perfect example of human ingenuity, a US company has invented edible and compostable drinking straws.

The straws are 100 per cent plastic-free, and are made from a seaweed-based material. They’re also gluten-free, gelatin-free, all natural and nontoxic.  The aim is to replace the 500 million plastic straws that are used every day in the US alone.

The ‘Lolistraw’ is designed to last up to 24 hours in a beverage, which you can then compost or eat afterwards. According to the Kickstarter page, it tastes like an adult fruit roll-up.

With estimations there’ll be more plastic than fish in our oceans by 2050, an edible drinking straw couldn’t have come at a better time. Perhaps we can start to reverse all the damage we’ve done by inventing straws in the first place.

You can pledge to Loliware’s Kickstarter and help save the planet here.


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