
How I Got Here: Platypus Shoes’ Head Buyer on handling setbacks with grace


“In my role, it’s all about selling the dream to our brand partners and suppliers, and convincing them that our vision is the one to bet on.”

Have you ever stalked someone on LinkedIn and wondered how on earth they managed to land that wildly impressive job? While the internet and social media might have us believe that our ideal job is a mere pipe dream, the individuals who have these jobs were, believe it or not, in the same position once, fantasising over someone else’s seemingly unattainable job.

But behind the awe-inspiring titles and the fancy work events lies a heck of a lot of hard work. So what lessons have been learnt and what skills have proved invaluable in getting them from daydreaming about success to actually being at the top of their industry?

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Welcome to How I Got Here, where we talk to people who are killing it in their respective fields about how they landed their awe-inspiring jobs, exploring the peaks and pits, the failures and the wins and most importantly the knowledge, advice and practical tips they’ve gleaned along the way.

This week, we speak to Eve Young, the Head Buyer at Platypus Shoes. After studying fashion merchandising at RMIT, Eve cut her teeth in an entry-level buying job at Stylerunner. Here, she “gradually took on more responsibilities and slowly climbed the ranks” within the business before landing her current role as Head of Buying at Platypus Shoes.

Leading a team of talented buyers, Eve works to “sell the dream” to brand partners and curate a dynamic assortment of products every season that speaks to the brand’s loyal customer base. While the fast-paced fashion industry isn’t always easy, Eve’s adaptability, resilience and innovation have helped her get to where she is today. Here’s what she’s learnt along the way.

What do you do and what’s your official job title?

My name is Eve and I’m the Head of Buying at Platypus Shoes. I lead a team of buyers, collaborating with the biggest global brands to curate standout collections and deliver exciting products for all our retail stores.

Take us back to when you were first starting out. Did you study to get into your chosen field, or did you start out with an internship/entry-level role and climb the ladder? Tell us the story.

I began my journey at RMIT in Melbourne, where I immersed myself in fashion merchandising, gaining a clear understanding of not only what I wanted to do in life but also the business side of fashion. This really was crucial in providing me with the skills and knowledge to navigate my way around the industry.

After graduating, I landed an entry-level role in the buying team at a then-up-and-coming online activewear retailer, Stylerunner, which has since become a renowned name in the industry. Starting at the ground level, I quickly learned the ropes, trying to sponge up every bit of knowledge and experience I could. The dynamic environment at Stylerunner was the perfect playground for me at the time because I needed to learn. I worked closely with seasoned buyers, observed market trends and learnt the art of curating collections that resonate with customers.

As I honed my skills, I gradually took on more responsibilities and slowly climbed the ranks. Each step of the journey was a learning experience, teaching me the nuances of fashion buying and the importance of building strong relationships with brands and suppliers.

Today, as the Head of Buying at Platypus Shoes, I lead a team that collaborates with top global brands to create captivating product assortments for our stores. Reflecting on my journey, I’m grateful for all my learning [experiences] and the mistakes that have helped me grow in this ever-changing industry.

What challenges/hurdles have you faced getting to where you are now? Can you tell us about one in particular?

Although this will sound a little cliché, one of the biggest challenges I faced was the uncertainty brought on by the Covid pandemic. Just as I was hitting my stride in my career, the world was turned upside down with masks, team calls and 5km restrictions. The fashion industry, like many others, faced disruptions. Stores closed, supply chains were strained and consumer behaviour shifted dramatically.

During this period, I felt like my career progression was hitting a wall. The fast-paced environment I thrived in slowed to a crawl. Projects were put on hold, and the future/my future seemed uncertain. It was a daunting time, but it also became, ironically, a pivotal learning experience.

I learned to adapt quickly and think on my feet. The situation forced me to develop new strategies for remote collaboration and maintain strong relationships with our global brand partners despite the physical distance. I had to stay agile, constantly reassessing and adjusting our buying strategies to meet the changing market demands.

This period also underscored the importance of resilience and innovation. We had to find creative solutions to keep our product lines fresh and exciting for customers who were now shopping differently. It wasn’t easy, but overcoming these hurdles made me more adaptable and better equipped to handle future challenges.

In hindsight, the pandemic taught me a few things from a working perspective. It taught me that progress isn’t always linear and that sometimes, the greatest growth comes from navigating (to put it bluntly) a shit situation.

What do you want people to know about your industry/your role?

Our industry is still male-dominated, and we need more women stepping up and making waves. In my role, it’s all about selling the dream to our brand partners and suppliers, and convincing them that our vision is the one to bet on. You can’t afford to be complacent; there’s always a new trend, a fresh brand, or another retailer shaking things up. And, let’s be real, managing people is the toughest part – but it’s also the most rewarding.

What’s the best part about your role?

The best part? Seeing a product I fought hard for flying off the shelves and being worn by thousands of people across the country. Plus, building and developing my team, then watching them achieve their goals – there’s nothing more rewarding than that.

What would surprise people about your role?

Most people might be surprised to learn that a huge chunk of my time is spent analysing numbers on a spreadsheet. It’s not all about picking out cool shoes, as much as I wish it were! The real work happens behind the scenes in crunching data, forecasting trends and making sure every decision is backed by solid numbers. It’s less glamorous but far more strategic.

What skills have served you well in your industry?

Articulation and ambition have been key in my journey, allowing me to communicate effectively and push boundaries. Like most industries, a thick skin is essential, but this industry can be tough and you need to handle setbacks with grace and style. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills keep me sharp and ready to tackle any challenge. And of course, a genuine love for the product drives everything I do.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to be in a role like yours one day?

Work hard and say yes to every opportunity that comes your way. Put your hand up for everything and do as much as possible to stand out from the crowd. Focus on building strong relationships – this industry thrives on connections. Seek out mentors who can guide you and help you reach your goals. It is always important to listen and learn from others who have more experience than you! Remember, it’s all about dedication, persistence and being proactive.

What about a practical tip?

Master [Microsoft] Excel and learn it inside and out. It’s your best friend for analysing data and making informed decisions. Develop an organisational style that works for you and keep refining it.

Read the rest of the How I Got Here series here.

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