
OMG Reese Witherspoon looks set to make a Barbie movie

Endorphins make you happy.

Rumour has it that Reese Witherspoon will be producing (and hopefully starring in) a movie about Barbie. 

It will be based on the book, Barbie and Ruth: The Story of the World’s most Famous Doll and the Woman Who Created Her, which details the creation of Barbie by Ruth Handler. Ruth was the wife of Mattel founder, Elliot Handler.

There also seems to be gossip that suggests Sony is considering Witherspoon to play Barbie in a separate feature to be written by the author of Juno.

Either way, it seems like our Legally Blonde dreams will be continued at some point in the near future. And oh boy are we ready for it.

[Via The Tracking Board]

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