
We asked the FJ office for their new year’s resolutions

Tried and failed.

Here in the FJ office we are an oft-wishful, semi-motivated, ever-lazy bunch. Hence our new year’s resolutions are both grand in aspiration and already failing miserably.

But in the hope of somehow inspiring you guys to stick to your resolutions for 2016, we thought we’d share ours. Good luck, kids.

Leah (editor)
To get up early enough in the morning to have a shower and coffee before work; to not to repeat outfits three out of five days of the working week; to eat more vegetables and to drink more coffee and Coke Zero.

Eliza (intern)
To stop being such a legend. And to finally learn how to contour.

Luke (accounts)
To stop trolling online buy/sell groups with sassy comments. Or to comment more. I haven’t quite decided yet.

Tabby (DIY gal)
To pick up the French I left hanging for dead two years ago, and also to wear more lipstick. In saying that, however, to also learn how to apply lipstick in a feminine fashion that doesn’t result in S.C.F (Scary Clown Face).

Giulia (online editor)
To actually wear the nice clothes in my wardrobe.

Kris (the boss dog)
To try and go to bed earlier (like before midnight); to eat better and less; and to ride my bike to work two days per week.

Tara (intern)
To get off the all pizza diet. Sadly it’s real.

Nick (distribution)
To stop crying during romantic comedies.

Veronica (contributor)
To wear gym clothes while watching Netflix so it at least looks like I’ve been exercising.

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