
This website tells you which movies are free from alleged sexual predators

Rotten Apples Website

Words by Tara Smith


In the wake of countless sexual abuse allegations coming out of Hollywood, it’s important to know just how far this misconduct reaches.

Rotten Apples is a new website aiming to inform viewers of this impact, by discerning which films are involved with alleged sexual predators.

The process is simple – you type the name of a movie, and you’re given either a ‘Rotten Apples’ or ‘Fresh Apples’ response. The website will also list the name of any cast or crew member accused of sexual misconduct.

For those that receive a ‘Rotten Apples’ response, a link to a news article supporting the claim is provided.

For example, Mean Girls is clear, however Home Alone 2 is not (thanks to a cameo appearance by Donald Trump).

Check the website out for yourself here.


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