Japan announces plans for a spa-themed amusement park
This actually looks like heaven.
Looks like dreams really do come true. Especially, it seems, if you reside in Japan.
After confirmation that a Studio Ghibli theme park is coming, we now have news of another, albeit more unusual, theme park.
A ‘spamusement’ park.
Apparently, the idea came from the mayor of Beppu, a city that’s known for its onsen hot springs.
Late last year, the mayor pledged that if the below video depicting a hypothetical onsen amusement park scored over 1 million views, he would build it.
While we don’t yet have confirmation that development is going ahead, the pressure is now on for the town of Beppu to turn the dream into a reality. According to RocketNews24, the wheels are in motion.
As you can see here, the mayor looks pretty pumped at the prospective new development.
If it is really happening, the spamusement park looks to be a little while away. While we wait, France has already opened a wine-themed amusement park to quell your appetite for weird, unnecessary (and yet strangely alluring) theme parks.
Via Popsugar.