
How to: half up, half down twist

Hair up or down? Why not do both?

This easy style is perfect for hot days when you need to get your hair off your face but still want to wear it down. Katy from TONI&GUY shows us how.

1. Dry label.m Volume Mousse through the top of your hair for texture and stability in the roots. Section the front away so you can work on the back section.

2. Using straightening irons, smooth your hair into a flat, glossy shape.

3. With the front section apply label.m Texturing Volume Spray from roots to ends.

4. At the back of the head, backcomb from the roots. Work the backcombing in a crescent shape. This will make the finished shape softer and more flattering to your head shape.

5. Move the backcombing technique towards the front of the head and leave the last section at the hairline out. Apply some label.m Hairspray.

6. With a soft brush smooth the hair back away from the face and into your hands.

7. Twist and push up the hair and flatten onto the head. Secure the twist with pins.

8. Finish with label.m Hairspray.


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