
How much does your mental health impact the quality of your skin? I asked an expert


“My clients often tell me that their skin is impacting the way they feel and vice versa. This can turn into a vicious cycle.”

Skin is our largest organ. It’s the barrier between ourselves and the outside world, but it can honestly be quite annoying sometimes. Whether it’s dryness, acne, excess oil, or inflammation, it seems like there’s always something causing trouble.

When faced with skin problems, it can be tempting to head down to the local chemist and fill a basket with every skincare product in sight. But what we often don’t realise is that there are many internal factors at play. Our sleep, self-care, diet, exercise and emotions can all have a direct impact on the way our skin looks. 

For more skincare talk, head to our Beauty section.

At a time when we’re all a bit on edge (see: burnout, anxiety, general states of unease), we might be beginning to notice the negative effects this is having on our skin. What’s exciting, though, is that addressing the root cause could help us to look and feel our best. And the very act of applying your skincare can also help combat the mental stressors that impact our skin health.

As a brand that challenges outdated beauty standards and encourages us to connect with our authentic selves, this is something The Body Shop understands well. Its new and improved Edelweiss range is designed to be used in a thoughtful manner, as part of your wider self-care routine. To better understand the importance of cultivating a mindful skincare routine and the link between mental health and skin, I spoke to Dr Alia Ahmed, a psychodermatologist who is passionate about solving skin issues in a holistic way. 

What exactly is a psychodermatologist?

Psychodermatology is the part of dermatology that considers the mind and skin together. Most people don’t realise the impact of psychological health on skin. Psychodermatology encourages people to recognise this link and consider holistic approaches to skin concerns. 

I am dual-qualified in medicine and psychology, meaning I am able to diagnose and treat skin issues at the same time as providing psychological interventions to my clients. I’m especially interested in the link between stress and skin, specifically the effect that stress has on the skin barrier and how this manifests as skin concerns. 

How much does your mental health impact the quality of your skin?

There’s increasing evidence to show that skin conditions and mental wellbeing are intrinsically connected. My clients often tell me that their skin is impacting the way they feel and vice versa. This can turn into a vicious cycle. Thankfully, there is evidence to show that addressing psychological factors can improve outcomes for people with skin concerns. 

In the last few years, many of us have struggled with burnout and poor mental health. What are some low-effort ways we can take care of our skin when we’re feeling rundown and time-poor?

In times like this, looking for small pockets of time in your day to perform self-care can be mood-lifting and build resilience to everyday stresses. Look at your usual skincare regimes and think about how to boost them. One way is to actually focus on the product, its smell and texture [and] the way it feels as it is massaged into your skin. This is a more mindful way to perform skincare, and in the same amount of time! 

One very low-effort skincare hack is to make the most of the time you spend asleep! Skin repairs itself overnight, and blood flow also changes to make [the] absorption of active ingredients more efficient. Using night-time skincare that’s designed to build skin resilience, like the Edelweiss Bouncy Sleeping Mask from The Body Shop, is an ideal way to nourish skin overnight. I regularly suggest sheet masks once or twice a week to calm stressed skin. The Edelweiss range has a Serum Concentrate Sheet Mask. Leaving this on for 15 minutes can be a way to treat skin and mind together. 

Further to this, how can we be more mindful when it comes to our skin and skincare routine?

Feelings of emotional distress lead to the release of a stress hormone (cortisol), which is known to affect the immune system, drive allergic responses, delay healing and disrupt the skin’s natural barrier. I know that my clients are more likely to feel embarrassed, low, anxious, have body image issues or feel socially isolated [when their bodies are releasing cortisol]. 

The key is to find a stress management strategy that suits you and practice that regularly (meditation, mindfulness, exercise, talking to someone close to you). I advocate [for] having a positive mantra that you recite to yourself, especially during the times you are feeling low, and telling yourself daily what you are thankful for. [Another] simple technique is a gentle facial massage to improve circulation, lymphatic drainage, collagen production and relaxation.

What are the essential skincare products you would suggest for someone who’s struggling with their mental health?

Look for products that target the issues you are experiencing and build an arsenal of activities to tackle your skin concerns. Often having the right skincare can make a real positive impact not only on how your skin is visibly but also on how you feel about yourself. My essential categories of skincare are cleansers, antioxidant serums, sunscreen and overnight products. 

The Body Shop’s new Edelweiss range fits a lot of skincare needs as it incorporates the protection offered by antioxidants into several products, to essentially build your skin’s resilience. In fact, the edelweiss extract used in the new range has 43 per cent more antioxidant power than retinol! My go-to products are the Daily Serum Concentrate and Jelly Mist

The Edelweiss Daily Serum Concentrate has a lightweight, easily absorbable texture, with an uplifting fragrance – a great way to start the day. I recommend refreshing the skin during the day, as a way to practice self-care and also to brighten and nourish the skin. The jelly mist is ideal for this purpose. Try a positive mantra while using it, like ‘I am achieving my goals for this day’. Often clients tell me they can ‘feel the day’ on their skin. Effective cleansing not only removes build-up and dirt, but the ritual itself can be a way to unwind and let go of the stress of the day. 

You can explore the Edelweiss range here.

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