Beyoncé, Jay Z, Rihanna, Kanye West and Pharrell Williams are teaming up to sue ElevenParis
Superstar takedown.
Parisian clothing label ElevenParis is gearing up for one high profile lawsuit.
A whole list of the world’s biggest celebrities are joining forces against the company for “brazenly” selling merchandise that uses their images without permission.
According to the celeb team, which includes Kanye, Beyoncé, Jay Z, Rihanna and Pharrell, ElevenParis ignored repeated warnings to remove the products for sale.
The filed complaint states the actions of ElevenParis make the company “habitual, wilful intellectual property infringers that, without authorization, usurp the trademarks, copyrights and other rights of A-list celebrities.”
In response, ElevenParis stated the company is “determined to find a fair and balanced agreement with them and their advisers.” Though judging by Rihanna’s previous winning lawsuit with Topshop, things aren’t looking good for the company.