This video taking the piss out of bloggers at Fashion Week is here for your Friday
The hero we deserve.
As Merceds-Benz Fashion Week Australia draws to a close, we’ve been blessed with a series taking the piss out of fashion bloggers.
Created by Vita and Michael Carbone, The Real Bloggers of Sydney is “a new satirical series featuring a number of influencers trying to conquer social media one platform at a time.”
The first episode follows Delilah Hayley-Huges Jones, a self-described Gemini, raw vegan yogi and fashion blogger.
We don’t need to say more than that. Check out the first episode below and follow Delilah’s journey here.
Episode 1 – The Real Bloggers of Sydney – Meet Delilah Hayley-…
#READYFORMYCLOSEUP It’s hard putting into words what a day in my stilettos is really like… but this video sum it up perfectly!! #LIGHTSCAMERAFASHION #HATERSAREGONNAHATE #INFLUENCER #THEREALBLOGGERSOFSYDNEY #FABULOUS #MBFW
Posted by The Real Bloggers of Sydney on Wednesday, 17 May 2017