Rumours are flying of a third Sex and the City film
Let’s get Carried away one more time.
To be honest, we are sick of the trolls against Sex and the City 2. Yeah it was a little bit lame, but we enjoyed it, watcha gonna do?
In the last few weeks, the buzz in twinkle town surrounding a possible SATC 3 has climaxed, with Sarah Jessica Parker herself pretty much confirming the return of a third film. Apparently, A.S.I (As Seen on Instagram), the actress posted an image of herself decked out in Carrie attire, leaving no room for questioning with the caption “Well. I guess the cat’s out of the (little brown) bag.”
According to a mixture of gossip columns, Hollywood folk, and celebrity rumours, the much-loved TV series has “one story left to tell”…our imagination is running wild.
This is gonna be Big 😉