5 easy ways to make your home earth-friendly
Illustration by Twylamae
Words by Hannah Cole
Environmentally-friendly household alternatives to shop from the comfort of your couch.
Call me lazy or fickle, but I love online shopping; there is no denying its magic spark. Even the most boring of purchases become exciting when a package is left on your doorstep. You might know what’s inside, but there’s something special about the unveiling.
While online shopping does have its downsides – i.e. the sustainability of shipping – it sure does make life easier. Checking off the to-do list is much less daunting when driving/parking/shopping centre anxieties are out of the picture. And it also means far fewer excuses for dismissing sustainable changes around the home.
With the eco-world at our fingertips, here are some simple swaps that can be made while Netflix is still streaming.
Buy Recycled Toilet Paper
Anything with “recycled” in its title is music to my sustainably-pricked ears. And honestly, would your bum notice the difference? The simple switch is made a billion times easier thanks to Who Gives A Crap. Purchase 100 per cent recycled toilet paper (made from recycled paper) to help build toilets for those in need. Buy in bulk and subscribe for regular deliveries – you’ll never have to wonder where that last roll got to again.
Invest in Bamboo Sheets
My life and sleeping patterns literally changed for the better as soon as I committed to a set of bamboo sheets. They keep you warmer in winter, cooler in summer, and are silky smooth to the touch. Plus, bamboo is an enviro-friendly fibre, using far less water and land area than regular cotton. So, what have you got to lose? Ettitude is my pick; with so many colours on offer, you are guaranteed a beautiful bed and a pretty sweet sleep.
Opt for Natural Hygiene Products
It’s scary to think that every product we use in the sink, shower or otherwise, ends up in our oceans. What kind of toxic chemicals have we been pouring down the drain for decades? Ditch the harsh substances and ghastly microbeads to benefit both our bodies and those of our little fish friends. Select products made from natural ingredients instead, like Thankyou’s delicious Lime and Coriander or Sweet Orange and Almond hand wash. Purchase online and also support projects to end poverty around the world.
Start a Veggie Patch
Swap your store-bought veggies for your own, grown with tender love and care. All you need is a windowsill or balcony, and a treasure trove of pots. Order some seed kits online from The Little Veggie Patch Co – anything from herbs and microgreens to tomatoes and watermelon. Reap the rewards of homegrown, pesticide-free, fresh-as-fresh-can-be vegetables all year ’round and host the most impressive dinner parties. You can thank me later.
Shop Thoughtfully
The final shout-out goes to Nourished Life for making almost every eco-purchase simple. Create an account, earn points, and go wild decking out your whole house with natural products. Try vegan nail polish, stock up on beeswax wraps and sustainable cleaning products.
See? It’s not that hard. I dare you to take the plunge; make a swap this month and let it stick.
This article was originally published in Fashion Journal 181. You can read it here.