A pop-up avocado museum is on its way
Images via The Cado
Words by Nicole La Ruffa
Millennials, this one’s for you.
A pop-up avocado museum is opening in San Diego this June, and you can bet it’ll be all over Insta.
The CADO is a 622-metre mobile exhibition, made from fused shipping containers. Exhibition goers will be handed an old-school walkman on entry, which will tell the tale of how avocados go from grove to grocer (one to tell the grandkids).
The ava-excitement doesn’t stop there though. There’s also a Ripe Room that features textured walls similar to what an avo skin feels like, made for a pretty a-peeling walk-through experience.
We suppose it’s only a matter of time before an avocado shrine emerges somewhere in Melbourne. Until then, just enjoy your toast.