An exhibition paying tribute to grandmas is coming to Melbourne
Words by Maeve Kerr-Crowley
Tell gran you love her.
Multicultural Museums Victoria is presenting its first joint exhibition, paying tribute to grandmas everywhere.
The MMV network is an alliance between five of Melbourne’s top cultural museums: the Chinese Museum, Hellenic Museum, Jewish Museum of Australia, Co.As.It & Museo Italiano and the Islamic Museum of Australia.
The project, titled Grandmothers, will include five exhibitions across these venues, with extra events and activities thrown in.
As the name suggests, it’s all about celebrating the role of the grandma in different cultures across Australia. The museums will display artwork, photography, films, recipes and family heirlooms to reflect on how essential grandmothers are in shaping and guiding us.
Opening on May 6, the exhibition runs through to October. Plenty of time to organise a day out with your nan.