
Book review: When Life Gives You Lululemons

Words by Tara Smith

Restoring our faith in The Devil Wears Prada spin-offs.

Let me preface this by saying I was a The Devil Wears Prada addict in my earlier years. I read the book 100 times, rented the movie from Video Ezy every weekend and eagerly awaited each impending release from Weisberger.

In 2018, we’ve been given another look into the world of Miranda Priestly (sort of). This time around, the story follows Emily Charlton, the evil-turned good mentor of Andy Sachs.

While the sequel to The Devil Wears Prada felt lacklustre, this release is a punchy follow-up that signals Weisberger’s return to form. Proving she’s not a one-hit wonder author after all, Weisberger has officially restored my faith in The Devil Wears Prada spin-offs.

This review was originally published in Fashion Journal 180. You can read it here.

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