
Is ‘erotic meditation’ the latest sexual wellness trend?


In and out.

In recent years, our conversations around sex have graduated from being shrouded in shameful taboos to being embraced by wellness circles. The power of sexual wellness is being understood and appreciated for the tool it is: one that enhances intimacy and connection, reduces stress and anxiety, and increases pleasure and sexual satisfaction.

We owe our thanks to experts like psycho-sexologist and host of Sex Therapy: Season 2, Chantelle Otten who have demystified and normalised intimate discussions like these. Concepts of mindful sex, mindful masturbation and slow dating challenge pre-conceived ideas of having to go – sorry for the semi-graphic picture – hard and fast all the time.

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‘Erotic meditation’ is the latest buzzy term in sexual wellness. “Whether you’re exploring solo or with a partner, it’s an opportunity to deepen your connection with your body and your sexuality,” Chantelle says. Essentially, erotic meditation takes practices and ideas seen in meditation and applies them to sexual practices.

“Approach it with an open mind and a sense of curiosity… This practice is not just about physical pleasure but also about emotional and mental well-being, enriching your sensory experiences and broadening your connection to your sexual self,” Chantelle adds. Read on to hear what she has to say about this tool.

What exactly is erotic meditation?

Erotic meditation is a practice that combines mindfulness and sexual energy to enhance self-awareness, intimacy and pleasure. It involves focusing on the sensations and experiences of your body in a relaxed, meditative state, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the present moment. By cultivating this mindful awareness, you can enrich your senses and deepen your connection to your sexual self, creating a more fulfilling and holistic sexual experience.

How do meditation principles work within this context?

Meditation principles such as mindfulness, breath control and focused attention are integral to erotic meditation. These principles help you heighten your awareness of bodily sensations, reduce distractions and stay present. By being fully present, you can appreciate each sensation more intensely, which enriches your sensory experience and deepens your emotional and physical connection to your sexual energy. This mindful approach allows you to explore and broaden your connection to your sexual self.

Does it have to involve physical touch or can it be a purely mind-driven exercise?

Erotic meditation can be both a physical and mind-driven exercise. While it often involves physical touch to heighten sensory awareness, it can also be purely mental. Visualisation techniques, where you imagine sensual scenarios and focus on the feelings they evoke, can be powerful. This mental focus enhances your connection to your erotic energy and can be just as enriching, allowing you to explore your sexual self without physical touch.

What are the benefits of erotic meditation?

The benefits of erotic meditation are multifaceted. It enhances self-awareness and body confidence by fostering a deeper connection with your sexual energy. This practice reduces stress and anxiety through relaxation and mindfulness, enriching your sensory experiences. Erotic meditation can improve overall sexual health, increasing pleasure and leading to more satisfying orgasms. Additionally, it deepens your emotional and physical connection with yourself and, if practised with a partner, can significantly enhance intimacy.

How can I incorporate erotic meditation with a partner? 

Yes, erotic meditation can be a deeply enriching practice to share with a partner. To broach the subject, discuss your interest in exploring new ways to enhance intimacy and connection. Explain the concept of erotic meditation and its potential benefits, focusing on how it can deepen your connection to each other and your sexual selves. Start with simple exercises like mindful breathing or guided visualisations to ease into the practice together. Open communication and creating a safe, comfortable environment are key to making this a positive experience.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to experiment with erotic meditation?

If you’re looking to experiment with erotic meditation, start by creating a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Begin with basic mindfulness meditation techniques, focusing on your breath and bodily sensations. Gradually incorporate erotic elements like sensual visualisations or gentle touch. Be patient and let go of expectations – this practice is about exploring and enjoying the journey. Consistency is key, so make it a regular part of your routine to fully experience its enriching benefits. If practising with a partner, maintain open communication and ensure mutual consent.

Where can I find guided erotic meditations?

Guided erotic meditations can be found through various online platforms dedicated to sexual wellness. Apps like Dipsy or guided meditation platforms such as Insight Timer offer specific tracks focused on erotic meditation. Additionally, YouTube and websites of sex educators and therapists specialising in mindfulness and sexual health provide valuable resources. These guided meditations can help you explore and enrich your sensory experiences and connection to your sexual self.

Season 2 of Audible Original series Sex Therapy: Sessions with Chantelle Otten is out now. Listen here.

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