What’s a ‘hot girl side table’? Six Australian creatives show us theirs
Real hot girl shit.
To preface this article, let me tell you that ‘hot girl’ is a state of mind. It’s an all-inclusive term for that self-love glow, brought on by treating yourself like the wonderful precious gem you are. There is a zero-tolerance policy for ‘hot girl’ gatekeeping here, goddammit!
Now we’ve gotten that disclaimer out of the way, let me introduce you to the ‘hot girl side table’. Like ‘hot girl summer’ (which is year-round, if you ask me), it’s a Tiktok-coined phrase to describe the curated essentials kept by the sexy beds of our favourite resident hotties (you).
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Think cool books, Nag Champa, lip balm, vintage lamps and anything Aesop, Maison Balzac or Rosewell. To help you create your own tiny table oasis, I asked Australian creatives to show us their bedsides.
Lil Ahenkan, author, podcaster and content creator
I never miss a photo opp, so it’s crucial for my bedside table to be both functional and aesthetic. The solution? I have tw0. The functional table has nothing but the essentials – lip balm, tarot, vibrator, two lamps, a water bottle, deodorant, chocolate and a dream journal. The other has decorative tissues, my DIY alien-esque vase and floral arrangement, crystals and a diffuser. A 10/10 if I do say so myself.
Eloise Jenkins, graphic designer and photographer
I work from home full time as a graphic designer and photographer, so I try my best to not bring any work into the bedroom where possible. You can always find a candle, book and some pillow spray by my bedside to try and create a relaxed vibe. This candle is special to me as it was made by a friend (@ammastudio_) and has the most beautiful scent – even when unlit.
I also thought this lamp from Ikea was such a steal, we got a few for the bedroom and workspaces in the house. In May I was diagnosed as a type one diabetic, so having a little container of lollies in case of a low glucose hypo attack is essential for me. I can’t go to bed until my glucose levels are at a certain number, so I often have a little sweet to get there.
Holly Thompson, co-founder of Goodspace
I love to keep my bedside table pretty minimal with a few of my favourite items. As a Pisces, naturally I have a large book of poetry (EE Cummings is my favourite) and a Brene Brown book on being vulnerable (although I did buy it six months ago and have only read half lol). I also have a little trinket dish that my friend made for me for my birthday. In it, I keep all my gold rings, my favourite Aesop moisturiser, a Blazed Wax candle and some cute photo booth photos of me and my daughter.
Matisse Laida, content creator and podcast host
When FJ hit me up to write about the ‘hot girl’ side table, I couldn’t help but laugh. Hot girl-ism is so subjective and recently I’ve been feeling very not-hot girl… but I’m flattered! I’ll be completely transparent, my bedside table never looks like this. It’s always chaos and this pic is incredibly curated, but these things are floating around my room on other tables so I feel like it’s allowed.
My hot girl essentials are very much *anxiety* girl essentials. Sex toys and incense bring me a faux-serenity and books that allow me to escape reality are a must. Girl, Woman, Other reignited my performing bug, Flex Mami’s The Success Experiment will sit there until my ADHD allows me to read it and I started Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential ’cause I recently launched my cooking show, We Eatin Good Bitch. I’ve got my Fenty Beauty because RiRi is the ultimate ‘hot girl’ and my crystals and salt lamps are gifts from dear friends. Real hot girl shit.
Misha Davis, vintage curator, stylist and graphic designer
My bedside table essentials are the link between my sleepy state of mind and awake one. A dusty pair of old earphones I use to listen to TV series like Frank of Ireland or Physical to help stop my mind running. Books that remind me I should be reading like A Clockwork Orange or De Expat, one mum gave me to keep up my dutch. My trusty hair-tie and Elizabeth Arden lip balm that I cannot live without!
A safe spot for my rings I have on rotation. Aesop cream I stole from my boyfriend because it smells SO GOOD and my hands get dry sifting through rails’n’bales of vintage clothes for my online shop and a Maison Balzac carafe to stay hydrated. All that surrounded by ’70s/mid-century finds, rich tones and family hand me downs like my Pinocchio lamp by H. Busquet from my Opa.
Steph Lane, co-founder of Goodspace
My bedside tables are a place I like to keep some of the things that are the most precious to me. I keep the little clay jewellery pot my daughter made for me, a few books that I like to pretend I’m going to read and some cute treasures that some clever friends have made.
I think my styling aesthetic is just throwing things I love together and hoping for the best; I feel like my side tables reflect this. I also use it as an opportunity to inject some extra colour and texture into my space, as well as a way to add ambience with candles and lamps.
Looking for your own hot girl side table? Head here.