
If you don’t like the pill, here are some other contraception options to try

Words by Gabrielle O’Hagan

Demystifying the methods.

Contraception can feel like a heavy responsibility, especially if you’re a woman. After all, we’re the ones who have to face the music if something goes wrong. Of all the different contraceptive options out there for us to rely on, the pill tends to be the one we turn to the most. Unfortunately, it also happens to be one of the more burdensome.

Contrary to what my friends and I believed at 15 and 16 years old, the pill isn’t an effortless, magical way of preventing pregnancy. Taking it can be gruelling. There are panicked, last-minute scrambles for prescriptions and regular visits to the pharmacy that leave your purse feeling noticeably lighter.

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Oh, and let’s not forget about the alarm (internal or otherwise) that goes off at the same time every day, serving as a shrill reminder that if you don’t take your pill right that very second, your chances of getting pregnant will increase. It’s as though your ovaries begin to squirm the minute the 24 hours start to tick over.

But logistics are only half the problem. Finding a brand of oral contraception that doesn’t leave you with debilitating side effects like nausea, irregular bleeding, cramps, acne, sore breasts, or a loss of libido is practically an Olympic sport. Worst of all are the mood changes.

Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, who is the founder of Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, has conducted extensive research into the side effects of the pill, and she says that some women can even develop depression when they take it.

“There are some side effects to the pill that I don’t think are well understood by either the general female population or the prescribers,” Professor Jayashri says. “Usually the physical side effects are focused on first, but I would say let’s equally focus on the mental health side effects.”

To be clear, not all women have bad experiences with the pill. When it was introduced in Australia in 1961, it was revolutionary; it liberated women and gave us greater agency over our sexuality and reproductive choices. And it really is an excellent way to prevent pregnancy. If used correctly, it can be around 99 per cent effective.

But the pill is almost never used exactly how it should be. It’s difficult to remember to take it at the exact same time every day, and things like vomiting and diarrhoea can disrupt its ability to prevent ovulation. As a result, around one in 10 women on the pill become pregnant each year.

“The minute you have that [time-sensitive] factor, compliance and adherence becomes difficult for some women…that’s when the unwanted pregnancies can occur,” says Professor Jayashri.

Despite these issues, the pill remains the default contraception method for Australian women. According to Professor Jayashri, this is because the daily dosage helps us feel in control of our bodies. “It’s something that’s reversible… if the woman wants to stop taking it she can, and so there’s control,” she says.

But there are many other contraceptive choices out there (with even higher efficacy, I might add), that are often forgotten about. So if you’re sick and tired of using the pill, or you just want to understand what the alternatives are, you might want to consider these options.

Just a brief note – these methods are about contraception only and do not serve as protection against STIs. Methods like withdrawal and fertility tracking have been omitted due to their low efficacy.


For some reason, these babies get a bad wrap but they’re actually super effective and easy to use. A small device is inserted in your uterus by a medical professional (this is a very simple procedure, but it can cause discomfort or pain in some women). The IUD remains in your uterus where it helps prevent fertilisation and implantation.

Some IUDs also release hormones in a similar way to the pill, just with a different dosage. But if you’re looking for a hormone free contraceptive, then you can opt for a copper IUD instead.

IUDs can stay in place for up to five or 10 years (depending on which type you use) but can be removed at any time. Less than one woman in 100 will become pregnant each year using an IUD. No need to set daily reminders, either.

Find out about the pros and cons of IUDs here.

The implant

It’s nowhere near as scary as it sounds. A small rod (about the size of a matchstick) is inserted under the skin of your arm, where it slowly releases progestogen. This hormone suppresses ovulation and thickens the mucus in the cervix to prevent conception. The implant can be removed at any time but can stay in place for up to three years.

Find out about the pros and cons of the implant here.

Contraceptive injection

If you’re good with needles, then you can get a jab every eight to 12 weeks. Similar to the implant, a progestogen hormone is released into the bloodstream for long-lasting protection against pregnancy. Without the hassle of taking medication every day, there is less room for error (it has about 99 per cent effectiveness, as long as you don’t miss an injection).

Find out about the pros and cons of the injection here.

Vaginal ring

I think you can be forgiven for not knowing about this one. I didn’t know about it until recently. Basically, it’s a flexible plastic ring inserted quite high up into the vagina, where it releases the same hormones as the pill (oestrogen and progestogen). It stays in the vagina for three weeks, and then it has to be removed for seven days (during which time you will experience a withdrawal bleed) and then a new one is inserted.

Find out about the pros and cons of the vaginal ring here.

There are still many other forms of contraception that aren’t covered here, including the patch, diaphragms and condoms, and the morning-after pill. Remember, this is not a one-size-fits-all scenario.

Many methods use hormones, so there can be side effects. If you’re thinking about switching contraceptive methods, you’ll need to consult your doctor about the best option for you.

Head here to learn more about the different types of contraception.

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