50 thoughts I had at Meredith Music Festival
Photography by David Harris
Words by Tara Smith
Aunty’s done it again.
The start of December has become synonymous with Meredith Music Festival. What better way to kick off the summer season than with your favourite Aunt?
Amidst the many raised boots, old couches and inexplicably intoxicated people, Aunty Meredith puts on a bloody great show. Ticking another year off the list means another weekend of accomplishments. It’s yet another year where I miss all the best acts, spend far too much time at the campsite than I’d care to admit, and eat my body weight in Doritos (mum and dad are really proud of me).
Throw in a few broken bones (yes, really), an abundance of lost iPhones and a couple of Kmart tents, and you’ve got the recipe for my weekend. But in one year’s time, I can’t wait to be back.
Here are 50 thoughts I had at this year’s Meredith Music Festival, no doubt you had them too.
- This is the one time of the year I wake up before 6am. Do people know this time exists? I assume it’s reserved for anarchists and people that hate themselves.
- Dear god, I forget how long this line is every year.
- Better get out of the car and stretch my legs.
- SHIT, the line’s moving again.
- Ah the ‘Sup, is there a place more atmospheric than the Supernatural Amphitheatre?
- This year, I vow not to trip over any tent guy ropes.
- Whoops, just tripped.
- There’s a special place in hell for whoever invented tent guy ropes.
- What time is it? 6pm? Probably about time to head down to the stage for the first time…
- Whoever’s job it is to program the music in between sets, damn you are doing a great job.
- Note to friends: texting “I’m under the lantern” is not helpful when there are 70 lanterns strung across the crowd.
- Note to self: Hell hath no fury like a searing hot pizza pocket straight to the mouth. Still recovering.
- What time is it? Rude of the sun to wake me up so early. Curse you Kmart tent.
- OMG, I’m hideous. Where are the wet wipes and dry shampoo?
- I’ve always respected the people that get up and do Tai Chi in the mornings while I eat my third packet of Doritos for the day.
- Where is that truck that drives around delivering sandwiches? I need you now more than ever.
- I am never drinking again. *Commences day two of drinking*
- Did you even go to Meredith if you didn’t spend all day in your camp chair on day two?
- Better head to the sunset at Inspiration Point, the one place where it’s socially acceptable to clap for the sun.
- Here it goes, the clapping has commenced.
- Someone just proposed. The whole crowd is clapping. Can’t tell if they’re clapping for the sunset or proposal, probs both. YES.
- COUPLE GOALS. Screw finding love on The Bachelorette, real couples find love at Inspiration Point.
- This couple is now obliged to get married at The Arch of Love. It’s in the rulebook somewhere.
- And also name their child Meredith.
- Alright, back to the stage.
- Yes everyone, I missed Noname and I heard she was really good. Don’t want to talk about it.
- OMG it’s Mark Seymour.
- Did he… did he just hint at playing ‘Holy Grail’?
- Jesus, yep he did. OH…
- And he tops it off with ‘Throw Your Arms Around Me’. That’s it, we’ve got what we came here for. Pack your bags we’re going home.
- One day I will have the confidence to dance like the frontman of Future Islands.
- Will Todd Terje give the crowd what it wants and play ‘Inspector Norse’ already?
- Here it goes. Crowd goes wild.
- That may have sounded sarcastic, but I’ve actually never seen so many people spring to their feet in my life. Not even at a primary school assembly when you’re forced to sing the national anthem.
- ‘Inspector Norse’ may as well be our national anthem.
- BRB, pledging allegiance to Todd Terje.
- Oh look, there’s a guy in a wedding dress. I wonder if he’s part of the Inspiration Point wedding party.
- How the HECK have I missed the Meredith Sky Show all these years? This is IMPRESSIVE.
- If I were warm enough to take off my boot, it would be for Late Nite Tuff Guy. Living up to his name.
- I need to go to bed. Thankfully, there’s a couch I can nap on right here.
- Whoever’s idea it was to bring their couch to the stage in the first place, I relate to you on a spiritual level.
- Oh look, there’s an inflatable Sriracha bottle on a pole.
- Could go another packet of Doritos.
- Really time for me to go to bed now.
- Another year, another Sunday spent people-watching as they attempt to refold their Kmart pop-up tents.
- Time to call everyone I know in an attempt for a lift home.
- No dice, maybe I’ll stay here and live off the land until Golden Plains.
- I could be happy here.
- Wait, a lift home, I’m free to leave!
- See you in the ‘Sup in March, Aunty.