55 musings from Laneway 2018
Words by Eve Oswald
Photography by BIANCA FIORITTI
Best. Day. EVER.
The sun was high in the sky as I poured in with all the other glittery Laneway goers. I realise one in two people are wearing a baker boy hat, as am I (removes hat and places in backpack slyly).
First off, I make my way to the Kiehl’s rooftop party and the views overlooking Laneway and the city skyline are seriously impressive. Kiehl’s have pulled out all the stops with some very attractive barmen whipping up blood orange margaritas and mimosas, as well as a ball-pit, a DJ and tacos. Naturally, I make a beeline for the tacos and a spot of shade. I’m not partaking in the ball pit, simply to avoid the humiliation of entering it with the grace of a falling hippo and emerging severely injured (no matter how great the boomerang will be).
Here are some musings from the rest of the day.
- Gosh they all look so silly taking selfies
- (Attempts selfie and fails miserably)
- It’s so hot I’m meeeeelting
- Amy Shark, shit I’m missing Amy Shark
- Why did I have so many mimosas
- Look, I can’t say I’m into her but she sounds exactly how she sounds on the radio which is impressive.
- Smith and Deli have a food-booth, time to grab a cheeseburger
- God, it’s good
- What is that ethereal melody I hear? *follows heavenly sounds*
- I end up at Moses Sumney
- He is hauntingly talented, I sway in awe through his whole set and Shazam every second song
- Oh, look there’s someone up a tree, good for them. Wish I was that nimble
- Someone just complimented my pants
- Much like girls in nightclub bathrooms
- I’m still thinking about that cheeseburger btw
- “How is everyone so attractive here?” Overheard at Laneway
- Case in point, this photo gallery
- The sun starts to set and the breeze soothes my sunburnt ears
- I’m ready to be wooed by The Internet’s sultry sounds
- I seem to be standing at a spot in the crowd which is a thoroughfare, NO I WILL NOT MOVE
- Also may have a touch of sunstroke because not even the Redbull and vodka I’m regrettably drinking is getting rid of this headache
- In comes the delicious syrupy bass of ‘Special Affair’
- Man they work the crowd
- The leads vocals are silky AF
- To be honest Bonobo is what I’m here for, he is dazzling live
- I’m not disappointed
- Guest vocalist (Szjerdene) is phenomenal.
- I groove along with strangers am encouraged to woo
- Let’s be clear I’m not a woo girl
- I turn into a woo girl
- Anything for Bonobo
- You better be good Mac Demarco, I chose you over Tokimonsta and IT WASN’T EASY
- Damn you, devastating clashes
- Maybe I can leave halfway through?
- Ok I’m not going anywhere
- Hearing ‘Chamber of Refection’ live, feels like falling in love/summers spent down the coast. Dreamy and euphoric and delicious
- I am left in a giddy delirium
- Everything is right in the world
- Odesza is next and the hype for them is HUGE
- Oh hell no, that drum line is on another level
- I have literal chills how are they so synchronized
- ‘Line of Sight’ goes off
- A spot is cleared in the crowd and two people are having a dance off
- They are now stripping
- It’s like a car crash I can’t look away
- Please dear god, make it stop
- I’m ready for some jazzy goodness from Badbadnotgood to finish the night
- My bf keeps calling them ‘Goodbadgoodbad’ to annoy me
- It’s working
- The vibes here are the complete opposite from the previous act
- Nice to end the night on but I’m kind of still buzzing from Odesza
- The night has come to an end and I pile out of the Footscray Community Centre, slightly burnt but very content
- See you next year Laneway, it’s a date ♥
- Best.day.EVER