
Sia: This is Acting

There’s still nobody out there with a voice like this.

I have a lot of respect for Sia.

Firstly, she’s from Adelaide (like myself) which I can attest isn’t exactly a breeding ground for international superstars. She’s also been extremely honest about seeing pop music as a career. She writes songs to make money, not for fame.

Honestly, I really like the concept behind This is Acting. These are all songs written for other artists that eventually got rejected along the way. Half the fun is trying to guess who these tracks were originally intended for. I think I’ve figured out at least half of them, for sure.

Not everything pans out though and it’s easy to see why some of these tracks were passed up in the first place. Lead single ‘Alive’, originally intended for Adele, treads a little too close to Sia By Numbers to make an impression.

But there’s still nobody out there with a voice like this, delivering stadium-sized chorus with this consistency.


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