5 Australian jewellers show us their own engagement rings
IMAge via @millsavage/instagram
Words By Maggie Zhou
Made with love.
Whenever I enter a footwear shop, I always check out the shoes on the shop assistant. The same goes for a nail salon, I always want to know how a nail technician chooses to tend to their own nails. Naturally, as someone who’s a bit nosy, I jumped at the chance of gaining insight into the personal lives of Australian jewellers.
Jewellery design and creation are mesmerising and labour-intensive processes. They’re also deeply intimate, especially in the case of special, celebratory pieces like engagement rings. Traditionally, this is a piece that will be with you for life, worn day in and day out. For everyday people, this is an important, treasured item; for jewellers, it’s even more so.
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Here, five Australians working in the jewellery space share their very own engagement rings. From proposals to the design and creation processes, prepare to fawn, sigh, tear up and laugh at these uniquely perfect stories and rings.
Jen Marcar, Gemstone and Design Consultant at Cushla Whiting
Can you please tell us a little bit about the engagement?
My partner and I had been together for 13 years and [had] two beautiful boys [so] I already knew we would be together forever… One day in the Christmas and New Year summer holidays, he popped the question while walking the magnificent Gerringong to Kiama headland walk.
He had been hiding it in his socks, and as cliché as it was, he went to ‘tie his shoelace’ on the hilltop with the best view. Then the magic happened. I was sweaty and puffy and could hardly get the ring on but it was unexpected and incredible. Lots of laughter and tears.
What’s the story behind your ring?
[Because I] work at Cushla Whiting, he was never going to attempt to design the ring himself. So he proposed with another ring that I still wear, and let me lead the charge with this ring. Cushla had designed the incredible Romi ring which I loved. I also was very drawn to the story of the Toi et moi ring and Cushla’s interpretation [of it].
When we started sourcing antique diamonds from Antwerp, I was sold. Not immediately, mind you; I still loved green sapphires. But I fell in love with the history and unique charm and sparkle of them; I was so fortunate to be able to select my two diamonds. The combination of the wider cigar band and the Romi ring was the perfect choice for me. I chose to have a bezel setting as I also love the style [of] a more ‘chunky’ or bold design.
Why do you love it?
Because it’s mine! It represents so much for us. It’s more than just a ring. It has an energy, a presence about it – and it’s sexy.
Katherine Denton, gemmologist in training
Can you please tell us a little bit about the engagement?
Long story short, we were away in Tocumwal [in New South Wales] and it was Christmas Eve. We were leaving our friends’ place and Louis organised for all of us to go horse riding at our family friend’s property in Benalla (which is somewhat on the way home). Once we got there, there were only two horses available; one for me and one for Louis.
We had ridden maybe five metres [before] I stopped, burst into tears and had an anxiety attack because I was too scared to keep going. Louis was trying to convince me that I would be fine because he had planned to horse ride to the spot where he was going to propose. I was not budging and wanted to get off the horse as soon as possible. We got off the horses and our friend Steve recommended we get on the gator to drive up instead.
We drove to the top of this mountain surrounded by real-life Christmas trees. Once we got to the top he said we should take a photo. He set my phone on what I thought was a self-timer but it was actually a video. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. It was very cute and we were in stitches that I nearly ruined the entire day with the horse riding disaster.
Once we were down the mountain he said we weren’t getting home by car. [He] told me to look to my left – there was one of our best friends, Josh, landing a helicopter and running out with two bottles of champagne ready to spray on us! When we got back to the property, our friends had music blasting and we had a couple of drinks to celebrate. Josh then flew us to Melbourne and when we arrived at the airport there was a car waiting to take us back to our apartment. Louis had bought me a dress from one of my favourite designers and had it laid out for me ready to wear that night.
We always have Christmas Eve dinner at his parents’ house, so we headed there and to my surprise, he had organised all of our friends and family to be there as a surprise celebration! It was such a special day and night.
What’s the story behind your ring?
Louis actually bought my centre diamond after three months of us dating (he proposed after a year and a half). I found this out the night of our wedding! He always asked me what I wanted and I always wanted something classic for my engagement ring but still something that was a little different.
Why do you love it?
I love it because he designed it completely himself and I had never seen a ring with a radiant centre stone and trapezoid sidetones at the time. I wouldn’t change a single thing if I could redesign it myself now. The ring couldn’t be more me.
Olivia Ware, Founder of Olivia Ware Jewellery
Can you please tell us a little bit about the engagement?
The engagement was quite casual, [it was] perfect for me. My partner had whittled a wooden ring from a piece of red gum to propose with, which was so beautiful. He wanted a physical object to propose with but knew I would love to make my own ring.
What’s the story behind your ring?
I really wanted a ring that was unconventional and a bit of a statement piece. I knew I wanted gold and green and when I found the green tourmaline that’s currently set in it, I knew that was the perfect stone. It was also the first gold ring I made as a jeweller so it’s really special to me in that sense too.
Why do you love it?
I love it for a few reasons. I really love the weight; because it’s a signet style, it’s very top heavy and I love that feeling. I love that the tourmaline changes colour in different lights. In natural daylight, it can look almost like an emerald and in fluorescent light, it’s like a deep sea teal colour. I love that my partner had no idea what I was making for myself but when he saw the finished piece he said that’s exactly what I would have chosen for you.
Millie Savage, Founder of Millie Savage
Can you please tell us a little bit about the engagement?
My husband James and I got engaged at his 30th birthday party, [where] the theme was psytrance conspiracy theories (this was before conspiracy theories were a thing people believed in). James was dressed as an intergalactic warlord and I was dressed as a chemtrail in a catsuit covered in clouds. It was a house party at my brother Pat’s house – all our mates were there so it was extra special to share it with those we love the most. We were all gathered, making speeches about James and he jumped up at the end and asked me to marry him. The smoke machine was pumpin’ so you know, I was on cloud nine (pun intended).
What’s the story behind your ring?
As I’m a jeweller, James and I both knew I was always going to make my own ring. He presented me with a box of diamonds, sapphires and emeralds on the night so I could DIY later. I also made James’ ring, [it’s] a massive matrix opal with a bright diamond set into the stone. I’m so lucky I made them myself as we have both lost our original wedding rings so I’ve had to make new rings for both of us.
Amber Hodgman, Head of Medley
Can you please tell us a little bit about the engagement?
My partner proposed while we were on holiday in Italy last August. We were staying in this charming hotel on the cliff on the Amalfi coast. One night this wild storm was rolling into the bay, and I love to watch storms, so we sat in front of the glass door on our balcony and watched the storm outside.
The night before we had strolled down to the fishing village and picked up a petite bottle of prosecco from the local corner shop, so we decided to pop it. My partner turned and looked at me and said, “If only we had something to celebrate,” then opened this beautiful vintage sterling silver ring box and there was a placeholder ring inside.
Naturally, just to clarify, I asked him to officially ask if I would marry him. A few minutes later, the hotel room started flooding from the storm and this beautiful moment between us was quickly replaced by us mopping up water on the floor and calling room service for help. That’s life.
What’s the story behind your ring?
We had been searching for the ring for several years. I wanted a vintage ring. I wear a lot of vintage clothing and it seemed only appropriate to rock a vintage engagement ring. Normally I travel overseas for work so going to Paris or London would have been easier to source vintage, however, we were at the height of the pandemic. After trying several vintage stores in Sydney and Brisbane, we finally found what we wanted in the alleyways of Melbourne. I tried rings that were over 100 years old but the one that seemed just right was a minimalistic cut, circa 1990 – my birth year.
Why do you love it?
The square, princess cut diamond and platinum combination evoked everything I loved about the ’90s. [It’s] refined, understated and classic. I am planning on keeping it sustainable by mixing vintage with modern and pairing it back with Medley’s diamond eternity stacker ring in recycled gold.
For what to consider when buying an engagement ring, head here.