
Japan has created a skirt with LED lights and miniature gyro sensors

Meanwhile, in Tokyo…

Kiyoyuki Amano is giving us a glimpse into what the future might look like (for some) with her latest design, the Hikaru Skirt.

Translated to mean ‘shining skirt’, these short, tutu-like get ups quite literally shine shine shine, equipped with actual LED lights and miniature gyro sensors. In the dark, your thighs become illuminated and with the miniature gyro sensors detecting any rotational movement, the lights change colour when you move.

It comes after the release of these light-up shoes in Australia, proving that illuminating more than just our complexion is now on the agenda.

You may be a little skeptical about turning your thigh region into a light show, or perhaps you’re wondering what would happen if you get caught in the rain, but these are set to be BIG in Japan.

With only a few images released on a tumblr page there is no set release date, but we are sure that when they do hit the streets of Tokyo and other cities around Japan, they will light shit up. 


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