Justin Bieber wants to launch his own fashion line
Please Justin, no.
Ah Biebs. As our love-hate relationship starts to swing back towards affection, you drop a bomb via WWD.
Reportedly, it’s only a matter of time before you launch your own men’s streetwear line.
A few things on this.
Please note that your celebrity status doesn’t buy you credibility in the fashion world (although given Kanye’s work with adidas, some would beg to differ).
Nor does the fact that you’re now such good besties with Balmain’s Olivier Roustieng, that you talk almost once a week.
“Just being recognized by the fashion world in such a way so far has been awesome.” Right.
Can I also ask that you solidify your own (apparently ever-changing) style before imposing it onto us all? My little sister once had a purple, Bieber-branded snapback and varsity jacket which were both obviously horrendous. Please don’t do that to her again.
You told WWD, “I’m excited to venture into a new lane….Really new and something I’ve always really liked, but now I’m just moving forward into that direction.”
You were just starting to win us over, Biebs. Please just hold off on the fashion thing.