
thredUP’s new calculator determines your fashion footprint

Words by Jasmine Wallis

Queen Green.

We all know we should be more sustainable, but for that to align with our consumption habits we often rely on brands, apps, and companies to do the innovating for us.

thredUP is one such company. The world’s largest online thrift store, it champions circular fashion and being eco-conscious, compelling its users to put second-hand clothing first.

To make it even easier for people to see how their buying habits affect the environment, threadUP created a fashion footprint calculator.

Endorsed by eco-queen Emma Watson, the online quiz asks you questions about how often you buy clothes (both used and new), whether you purchase your clothing online or in-store, and even how often you do your laundry.



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#ad Our closets impact the planet and climate more than you might realize, which is why I am proud to partner with @thredUP to launch their new Fashion Footprint Calculator (link in bio!) They created an easy to use tool, and I’m so excited to help people discover the carbon impact of their wardrobes, and steps you can take to lighten your fashion footprint. They’ll tell you what your fashion footprint is equivalent to a number of flights, exactly how many pounds of CO2 it produces and how you fare compared to an average consumer. Small changes, such as thrifting instead of buying new, supporting sustainable brands, and air-drying your clothes, can make a HUGE difference. My friends at @goodonyou_app are also included in the directory at the end of the quiz, where you can get more info on the impact of your fashion choices. Also, if you don’t know @thredUP, they are one of my favourite online thrift stores. They make it incredibly easy to find any brand and style secondhand at up to 90% off est. retail, from high street brands to some of my favourite designers. I love their mission to inspire us to think secondhand first and create a more circular fashion future. (P.S. they are just shipping to U.S. and Canada currently, but the Calculator is available to everyone!) Find out your fashion footprint by clicking the link in my bio, or heading to thredup.com/quiz to make a difference for the planet! #fashionfootprint ❤️🌸👗

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This information is used to calculate how many pounds of carbon your fashion habits emit per year and how many flights your fashion footprint is equivalent to.

Additionally, for every public share thredUP receives on social media, the company will donate $1 USD to its Circular Fashion Fund supporting sustainable fashion efforts around the world.

Take the quiz here.

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