
An apple a day could quite literally improve your sex life, here’s how


Take a bite.

Food, through aphrodisiacs, has long had a chokehold on our sex lives. It’s had us ordering oysters on the first dates and indulging in chocolate just to get us in the mood (as if we ever needed an excuse for more chocolate). Whether it’s mixing food and play, or looking for ways to reignite your sex life, there’s long been a correlation between eating certain foods and having better sex.

When it really comes down to it though, I’ve always assumed aphrodisiacs fall into a grey area, sitting somewhere between truth and urban legend. Are they scientifically backed, or have they just made the rounds through tittered conversation and word of mouth? After a little digging, it turns out the myths might be right.

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Take apples for example. Available for less than a dollar and constantly in season, they’re often cast aside the minute summer hits, taking up residence far below things like mango, watermelon and berries. But according to clinical nutritionist, food scientist and founder of Renovatio Bioscience (an Australian wellness company), Dr Vincent Candrawinata, an apple a day doesn’t just keep the doctor away – it could quite literally improve your sexual health.

The many apple benefits

While we know of the many health benefits of apples (thanks Mum), one lesser-known benefit is their tie to improved blood flow, an important element for sexual function. “Apples are rich in quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that helps improve circulation,” explains Dr Vincent. “A healthy cardiovascular system is essential for both men and women to experience a fulfilling sex life.” For men, good circulation can lead to stronger and longer erections. For women, it can improve arousal and sexual response.

But it’s not just that – apples are a great source of natural sugars like fructose, which provide a steady release of energy. “Unlike processed sugars that can cause energy spikes and crashes, apples offer sustained energy that helps combat fatigue and keeps you feeling active throughout the day,” Dr Vincent explains. And more energy can mean more sex.

Apples also contain a bunch of compounds, like polyphenols and flavonoids, which Dr Vincent says have been linked to improved libido. “For women, apples are also associated with better lubrication and sexual function, likely due to these compounds’ positive effects on blood flow and hormone regulation.”

If that wasn’t enough, apples provide essential vitamins and minerals that are key in maintaining hormonal balance. “Imbalances can lead to low libido, fatigue, and even erectile dysfunction in men,” Dr Vincent says. “Eating apples regularly can help maintain these crucial hormones at optimal levels.”

And though it almost goes without saying, stress is one of the biggest libido killers. The antioxidants in apples are known for their stress-relieving properties, and “lowering oxidative stress in the body can help improve mood and reduce anxiety, both of which are important for a healthy sex life.”

Correlation versus causation

Although there are some clear connections between apples and a healthier sex life, it’s worth noting that one doesn’t automatically lead to the other. Part of this is recognising the difference between correlation and causation. Correlation refers to the relationship between two variables when they appear to be linked together, Dr Vincent explains. On the other hand, causation is when one event directly leads to another.

“For example, it may be a combination of both correlation and causation between people who eat more apples and having better sexual health, but that doesn’t mean eating apples is the only cause of that improvement,” he says. “While apples are packed with nutrients that support circulation, energy, and hormonal balance – all factors that contribute to a healthier sex life – eating apples alone isn’t a guaranteed way to improve sexual function,”

A healthy diet, a healthy sex life

While apples might not necessarily be a quick fix in the bedroom, Dr Vincent notes their natural benefits certainly support overall health in ways that can enhance sexual well-being.

“From improving circulation to balancing hormones, the nutrients in apples work holistically to promote vitality and energy – key factors in a healthy sex life,” Dr Vincent emphasises.

And the list goes on. Eating apples and other nutrient-rich foods can boost your health in a variety of ways, from better erections to improved heart health. So the real question is, Jazz or Royal Gala?

For more on aphrodisiacs, head here.

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