
Book review: The Book of Ikigai

Words by Veronica Stanford

The secret to a happy life.

I’m always up for new ways to improve my quality of life. Who isn’t?

And while I may have first been grabbed by Ikigai’s cute cover, the promise of learning the ‘Japanese secret to a long and happy life,’ quickly drew me in.

The hardcover walks readers through the practice of Ikigai, which de Surany explains roughly translates to ‘the feeling that your life makes sense’. It promises to refresh your life in just 12 weeks, guiding you through a series of exercises, quizzes and games.

While at times this read erred on the side of a slightly immature self-help book, there’s weight to what de Surany’s teaching.

Even if you don’t intend on following these lessons, Ikigai still offers a reminder to do more of what makes you happy.

This article was originally published in Fashion Journal 184.

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