Everything you need to know about getting a vaginal massage
WORDS BY Aliyah Moore
Full-body pleasure.
Yes, you can get a professional vagina massage and yes, it’ll do what a standard massage does for your back – plus more. They’re known as yoni massages, with the word yoni meaning ‘womb’ in Sanskrit, and the practice is centuries old.
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In the same way that a normal massage releases lactic acid, works out knots in your muscles and makes you feel better, a vaginal massage has a variety of benefits for your sexual and physical health.
What is a vaginal massage?
A vaginal massage might sound suspiciously similar to getting fingered, but there’s a lot more to it than that. Vaginal massages began as a spiritual practice and have evolved to be a sexual, emotional and explorative exercise.
You can do a vaginal massage yourself, but there’s more benefit from having a partner or professional do it for you. The massage is often performed on and around the vulva but can be internal as well, depending on where you need the most healing.
If you go to a professional, they’ll often massage your body first to help you relax. Pelvic muscles flex involuntarily, and it can take a combination of breathing exercises and steady massaging to get your body to release the tension. The purpose of a vaginal massage isn’t to have an orgasm, but many women do.
What are the benefits of a vaginal massage?
It’s tricky to gauge the benefits of a vaginal massage, simply because there isn’t a wide variety of research surrounding the subject. However, the practice is similar to some types of pelvic floor therapy (specifically a pelvic floor massage), which does have proven medical benefits.
The benefits also vary from woman to woman, based on how they feel and what they need. Women have reported vaginal massages have helped them tune into their bodies, have aided the healing process of sexual trauma, improved their sex lives, relieved physical pain or numbness in the vagina and intensified orgasms.
Largely, women experience vaginal massages as an emotional act that deepens intimacy with their partner. If you’re uncomfortable with the idea at first, you can always practice on yourself and see how it makes you feel.
How to give yourself a vaginal massage
Before you go diving into more in-depth massage guides, let’s cover the basics of performing a self-massage. Naturally, you’ll want to get comfortable and lie down. You can use lube or massage oil if you like, which can heighten the sensation. Keep it close so you can re-apply later without interrupting your massage.
You’ll want a pillow for your head, and maybe one for your legs or lower back as well. Most women find themselves most at ease on their back with their knees bent and feet flat on the ground. It’s important to remember a yoni massage is a slow and intimate practice, not a race to orgasm. Once you’re in position, you can begin.
Tenderly massage your abdomen, pressing your fingers into your muscles and gently pushing them around. Work your way around your stomach for a few minutes before moving further up. If you’d like extra sensation, begin working on your breasts, teasing around the nipples with as much stimulation as you prefer.
Steadily move back down toward the vagina, taking time to nurture your body with your hands and squeeze any tension out of your inner thighs. Focusing on one area at a time, massage your inner and outer labia. Try to keep your breathing deep and steady.
Cup your vulva in your hand and apply pressure with your palm until it feels right for you, then move your hand in slow circles. Gradually experiment with your clitoris, circling it with varying pressure and motion. Repeatedly push on it with pulsing movements, then grasp it with your thumb and forefinger to engage in pulling motions.
Alternate between positions, keeping your movements steady and deliberate. As you discover what you like and dislike, the massage will start to feel more natural. Once you’ve gotten a feel for the process, you can experiment with internal massaging or get your partner involved. If you try a yoni massage with a partner, make sure to communicate frequently.
If you’re interested in getting a professional vagina massage, check the reviews before deciding on a practitioner. Sex therapists, pelvic floor therapists and pelvic health specialists can often recommend a professional to you.
Vaginal massages are about you
Whether solo or with a partner, vaginal massages exist solely to help you relax and strengthen the connection between emotion and sexuality. Even though they can feel amazing, they aren’t just about pleasure.
Don’t be afraid to try it yourself with a little bit of trial and error. The constant stress and anxiety of everyday life can make it near-impossible to slow down and sensually connect to your body. If you feel too distracted to relax, don’t give up. Try shorter sessions in conjunction with breathing exercises to help train your body to let go.
As long as you’re feeling good, there’s no wrong way to do a vaginal massage. Listen to your body, make time for yourself and give it a try.
To learn more about how to give a vaginal massage, head here.