
Tkay Maidza announces National Tour

Get ready for your next fave artist Australia.

Tkay Maidza has just announced a national tour to pro­mote her lat­est sin­gle ‘M.O.N’. the first track from her forth­com­ing debut album.

It hasn’t taken long for Tkay to become a known per­son­al­ity in the Aus­tralian music scene. She’s moved effort­lessly form the charts of Hype Machine to the big stages of Falls Fes­ti­val, South­bound and Laneway Festival.

Join­ing her for the jour­ney across Aus­tralia will be UV Boi and Joy.

April 10 – Fly­rite, Perth WA
April 11 – Jive, Ade­laise SA
April 17 – Good­god Small Club
April 18 – Woolly Mam­moth, Bris­bane QLD
April 24 – North­cote Social Club, Mel­bourne VIC

Via Mixdown.

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