
New Zealand label Maggie Marilyn is making climate-positive classics meant to last a lifetime


“I discovered an industry that needed change – and one that needed it fast.”

Sometimes life can get ahead of us. We bounce from workday to workday, doing our best to keep up with errands and social events, sneaking bites to eat while on the road. In such a fast-paced world, it can be all too easy to take the low effort option fashion-wise and fritter away your hard-earned money on an appealing (but poorly made) piece of fast fashion.

This is why a label like Maggie Marylin is so refreshing to find. Each element of its designs is thoughtfully considered for the sake of the customer and the environment. A Maggie Marylin piece is a long-term investment that shouldn’t be rushed; muse on it, meditate and buy only when it feels right.

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The label’s founder, Maggie Hewitt, takes sustainability seriously and her dedication to the planet goes far beyond just slapping ‘green’ on a label. A glance at Maggie Marilyn’s environmental policy shows pages upon pages of information outlining its choice of ethical raw materials, water and chemical management and brand circularity. Below, Maggie weighs in on the brand’s beginnings and why it’s important to her to be a conduit of change in the industry.

What ignited the birth of Maggie Marilyn? 

Whilst studying fashion and learning about the industry, I discovered an industry that needed change – and one that needed it fast. It was then that Maggie Marilyn was born to create change in our industry and to help create a better world.

The brand has become established as more than a ‘fashion’ brand and has become a conduit for change and connection. What are the key brand pillars you wish to communicate to your consumers?

We believe that when you let go of the ‘grow more, buy more, discard more’ cycle and find comfort in buying as you need, repairing what you can and repurposing what you can’t – that’s when you’ll find a home at Maggie Marilyn. [We are] a brand with a climate positive status, a steadfast commitment to its circular business model and ambitious plans for a decarbonised, regenerative supply chain. Maggie Marilyn believes that nothing is impossible when you combine collective force with brave ideas.

In a few words, how would you describe Maggie Marilyn’s aesthetic?

Our garments are made up of timeless and seasonless designs to be purchased with intention and loved for a lifetime.

How do you research and select fabrics, and how are your informed choices shaping the ‘future of fashion’?

We work with every tier of our supply chain, from the farmers and growers who produce our fibres right through to the seamstresses who sew our garments. All these dedicated people inspire and inform the clothing we make. We design for circularity, reduced impact and ultimately, regeneration.

What key basic pieces do you treasure the most in your personal wardrobe?

Definitely my evergreen Somewhere pieces. They’re the foundational elements to what I wear, and then I mix and match these essentials with our Forever pieces. One of my most cherished pieces in my wardrobe is our 01 Blazer. It has been with me all around the world.

To date, what is the one milestone that you are most proud of?

I think transitioning from a wholesale business to a direct-to-customer business to truly align with our mission of being a business that walks the talk towards creating a better world. Our business remodel led to a carbon footprint reduction of 73 per cent and to the achievement of becoming a carbon positive business.

How do you unwind? Where do you escape to create balance and harmony?

I head home to the Bay of Islands which is up the very top of the North Island, New Zealand. It’s there where I find calmness and get to recharge my creative juices.

The label is shoppable online, but Maggie Marilyn has two destination boutiques in New Zealand. How important are these ‘homes’ and why? 

Our homes are extremely important to us. They’re designed to be a tranquil escape in a world that feels like it’s spinning faster and faster. We wanted to create an environment that slows down the shopping experience, that allows our customers to feel at ease. An intimate shopping experience that allows them to connect with our passionate sales team, and the brand’s mission – using fashion to create a better world. Hopefully one day soon we’ll be opening our first overseas home… watch this space!

What do you wish you knew when you started?

So many things! Having said that, I also think there is a magic in youthful naivety too. I guess probably that good things take time. Business is a marathon, not a sprint.

What book are you currently reading, and what music and podcast are you currently listening to?

I reread Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teaching of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer over the summer. It is an incredibly moving piece that ultimately reveals a path towards healing the rift that has grown between people and nature. I am also loving The Happy Pear podcast! As for my playlist, I’m always listening to Van Morrison, Tom Petty and Ray LaMontagne.

The new Forever capsule is about to launch. Can you describe the key silhouettes and colour palette?

The new capsule is brimming with brightly coloured garments that demand to be worn. Unapologetically joyful dresses, jackets and blouses that remind their wearers of places yet to be explored and solutions yet to be found.

What pieces in the new Forever capsule are you most fond of and why?

We have textured pieces that are woven by hand and silk garments that I am really excited by. They convey a subtle ‘western’ vibe and showcase an interesting play of colour, texture and detail. I also love the garment names, like the ‘Colorado with the Girls Vest’.

Your Forever capsules are designed to be purchased with intention and loved for a lifetime. How important is it to offer seasonless, timeless pieces?

At Maggie Marilyn, part of our mission is to ensure no garment ends up in landfill. In order for that to happen, we ensure our Forever capsules are limited, timeless, and our customers purchase with intention to ensure every MM item finds a forever home.

To see what the brand has to offer, head here.

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