An avocado pop-up cafe is opening and you could be its official taste tester
Bernard Salt need not apply.
We may have reached peak 2017. A pop-up avocado café is coming to Sydney, and we’re welcoming it with open arms.
Good Fat will delight Sydneysiders with avocado recipes for one month only, offering up 20 different variations of the delicious fruit.
Avocado smoothies, avocado Cornettos, and avocado icecream are just some of the delightful options on offer.
The best part is, Good Fat is looking for an official Head of Avo Control to try every single recipe.
You must be an avocado ‘advocate’, willing to snap, gram, tweet and Facebook your avocado experience.
In return, you will be able to eat for free at Good Fat for the entire month, an offer bestowed upon only the worthiest of individuals.
If tasting avocados sound like your jam, head here to apply.
Good Fat Avocado Pop-up
355 Crown Street, Surry Hills
Thursday November 2 – Thursday November 30