Ultimate girl band Hinds releases video for new track, ‘Easy’
Squad goals.
As far as girl bands go, Hinds has got the whole thing covered.
After completing a whirlwind Australian tour this month, the Spanish four-piece has revealed the new video for new single, ‘Easy’. While the band may be well known for its infectious brand of garage rock, the new video showcases a darker and more emotional side to Hinds’ music. The song comes hot off the back of their debut album, however it’s clearly the catchiest track from the list.
‘Easy’ deals with painful territory, honing in on the fleeting moments of a relationship. The video sees each band member spiralling into abuse and addiction, in increasingly graphic ways. The final shot shows redemption, however, as the girls reclaim their strength and independence.
‘Leave Me Alone’ is out now on iTunes. Enjoy people.